
Not a harry p fan at all or lord of the rings....

Game of thrones did not slash / cut anything dfrom the books....

Maps you need from the net if you are a newbie
Game of thrones did not slash / cut anything dfrom the books....

Wrong - for example: Where's the Blackfish? Or even the whole sequence of climbing up Eyrie?

Also - you can't compare it to Lord Of The Rings (as someone posted before), because each book was what, 300-400 pages long, and the movies were still more than 3 hours each. I don't remember exactly the amount of pages in the last Harry Potter book, but it's about 800, no? Perfectly reasonable to cut it up into 2 movies. Rather that than just dismissing half the story.
The Empire Strikes Back. And now, it's the best of the series.

To be fair, Jedi would have been a really close contender if not for the fact that the goddamn Care Bears beat the Empire with the Care Bear stare. Off topic: I just watched parts of the Phantom Menace again yesterday (a movie I've always hated), and I had forgotten just how much I really do hate it. Jar Jar...yeah, nothing more needs to be said, and "Disney kid saves the day!" syndrome just completely ruined it.

On topic: I'm not some obsessed Harry Potter fan, but considering I've already seen all of the previous movies, and nothing else is really out right now, going to see it on Monday. I haven't read the books, so hopefully Ron dies.
oh definitely, but it's still pathetic how many people come to midnight shows, all the other ones have been cool and captain america should bring it back to normal again. usually only like 100 people show up and we can just sit around and talk with the customers about the movie and just kinda chill. not sweating my balls off because the entire lobby is filled with a bunch of crazy 14 year old chicks.

green lantern there was like 5 of us and it was dead and we just sat around cleaning the popper and talking about old nickelodeon shows lol
Worked in a cinema when I was at University.

There was a midnight showing of something that I can't remember (last century, anyway) and 5 guys came to see it. Cinema was empty otherwise. They were caught on CCTV stealing some wall-posters and were thrown out as per cinema rules. Movie played to an empty room and we just chilled the hell out.

I've since experienced cinemas in about 5 other countries and the US and the UK are fucking terrible. Italian cinemas have about three people there on a Saturday night and I've been to the cinema here twice in the past few months on a Friday to see less than 10 people milling around.
I stopped going into cinemas years ago, since there are so much other people. And ... well ... I don't like other people.

To be fair, Jedi would have been a really close contender if not for the fact that the goddamn Care Bears beat the Empire with the Care Bear stare.

Though the ewoks: My favourite SW-movie is still Return of the Jedi. The final dialogue between Luke and the Emperor... Highlight of all movies.
Btw: Was I the only one, who was dissapointed when Darth Vader's mask came off? As a kid I just expected something more impressing.
To be fair, Jedi would have been a really close contender if not for the fact that the goddamn Care Bears beat the Empire with the Care Bear stare.

Yeah this is 100% true. I still feel that the scene in the Emperor's throne room on the Death Star is the best scene from the whole series (and the musical score omg). It truly is too bad about the Ewoks. Though its fucking rad when they get shot to pieces by the AT-ST's in that one scene.
I concur.

The story in KOTOR 1/2 is better than all of it, though.

Err, what? The games were great, but both were really flawed in the areas that counted for them to be considered better than the original trilogy. KOTOR had a much better story than the sequel, with so-so dialogue, while KOTOR 2 had greatly improved dialogue with a not as good story as well as it being incomplete.

The Empire Strikes Back > Star Wars > Return of the Jedi (barely, and it's because of the Jar Jar precursors) > KOTOR games > Revenge of the Sith >>> Attack of the Clones >> The Phantom Menace.
Err, what? The games were great, but both were really flawed in the areas that counted for them to be considered better than the original trilogy. KOTOR had a much better story than the sequel, with so-so dialogue, while KOTOR 2 had greatly improved dialogue with a not as good story as well as it being incomplete.

The Empire Strikes Back > Star Wars > Return of the Jedi (barely, and it's because of the Jar Jar precursors) > KOTOR games > Revenge of the Sith >>> Attack of the Clones >> The Phantom Menace.

Kotor II introduced a shade of grey to the whole jedi/sith thing, though. Something George Lucas cried and bitched about. It's much better than "oh, these guys are good, these are evil."

I think KOTOR II is the ultimate Star Wars experience.
KOTOR2 could have been my favorite game, had it been properly completed. It's the darkest Star Wars story I've ever experienced (the plot essentially revolves around a traumatized, guilt-ridden war veteran-jedi). The Restored Content Mod makes it much better.
This mod looks amazing. Is it fan made versions of what didn't make the cut in time, or actual Obsidian files?

And yeah, I think the battle of Malachore V is my favorite part of the Star Wars lore.
I don't even remember the story of Kotor or kotor 2 (but i'm pretty sure i played the 2nd), all i remember is some of the levels and fighting the evil dude at the end. I remember it being a good game, but sadly its so old that it's lost a lot of it's luster to me and its not one of those games that i feel holds up forever (i could be wrong though and might go and replay it). if some of the mechanics were more deep i'd be into it but i remember being bored in a lot of parts, and i'm kinda spoiled by all the plot branching rpg's of today whereas that was really the precursor to a lot of those games. i remember being like WHOA NO WAY, YOU CAN CHOOSE DIFFERENT CHOICES AND YOUR CHARACTER CHANGES APPEARANCE BASED ON HOW YOU PLAY? WHATTT. i also remember kotor 2 being just a sequel with a new story and not really pushing the bar at all unfortunately, hopefully i'm wrong and if i check them out won't be horribly disappointed as some games i revisit i love all over again, others not so much.

I actually started playing KOTOR again a few weeks ago, got about halfway through and then just stopped. The story was good the first time through, but I didn't simply "forget" it, so it's hard to be suprised by anything at all. All that's left is the gameplay, and sadly, there's not much to it--it's not only too easy, it's not really that fun in the first place.

The second game has more interesting character development, but the gameplay is practically identical to the first other than the crafting. So I'm not sure I could stomach playing it anytime soon after I finish the first again--if I do.

Yeah, I know the "you don't play RPGs for gameplay" fallacy is probably going to pop up, but the story isn't so good as to warrant going through the entire game again if you've beaten it once before, while having to endure the monotony of the actual game. The Mass Effect games are the best "Star Wars" games.
See, that's the problem with Bioware games. The first run through is amazing, the story draws you in, then once you beat it, there's no reason to ever play the game again, EVER.

Baldurs Gate, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, it's all the same shit. A movie. Watch it once, then never again.