Write a DT-forum-song!

So what does that mean? There was no real intent to create a forum song? Just blowing smoke up the proverbial ass? Simply a new thread in which to post useless drivel? What?

I don't believe it, not for a minute. :p
plintus said:
Handle "Character" now :D Oh, eye just cun't do that :D

yay, thanks - that's a new version of the old one :) The full pic is hilarious though :P

Hehe I don't know why but I fell that it is a porn drawing or something.

With Character its a bit difficult to translate into cunt... Cunter? Doesn't sound funny. Though I though this one was better:

"One Cunt Bringing it Down"


"The Endless Cunt (Chaos Cunt Remix)"

:lol: :lol:

Ok, that's enough hehe.

So, can I record some vocals? I want to do some back growling please :) .
I'll be impersonating teh Stanne in 9 days - strep throat, doctors advised against singing *coghs*
wildfyr said:
Umm... Okay.

Hmmm. No soul. Oh well, I guess I'm not really surprised by that answer. :heh:

Please note that I was not trying to imply that you must conform to the soul or r&b genres. The genres themselves are not the important part of the message. I asked you if you think you have soul, which in this case meant: Can you sing cleanly with conviction from the heart (from deep inside)? The comparison to the soul and r&b singers is just for example. Are you able to put some of that kind of power into clean singing? From what I've learned reading tips from the growler vocalists, they stress that it should come from the belly and not so much the throat. That's what I'm trying to get at here. Most of the growlers that I've heard who also try to sing cleanly fall short of this mark with the cleans. One stand-out instance is Åckerfeldt. We all know he has two distinct voices. The growly side demon from hell and the soft clean side, which comes out ALL THE TIME like some fag choirboy. The growls are top-notch but there is no variation there for the cleans. At first this dual vocal ability was all new and interesting to me but it quickly became predictable and boring. One thing I'll give him, though, he can do both very well in the live setting. Others I can think of in relation to this perhaps could use more work/practice. Or maybe they should put down the alcohol several hours before crawling up on stage. They might sing/growl better AND remember all the words.

But all this doesn't really have much bearing on the forum song. You guys are not taking it out on the road, right? :lol: I'm just trying to stress that clean singing should not be forsaken, nor should it be handled by someone who can't handle it. If you can sing with "soul" Tritonus, go for it. If that's the case then someone needs to hand you a mic!

I see your. I just wanted to imply that I hate Mariah Carey :p Yeah, I think I can do it. I've written tones of songs most of them are really depressing and you can't really do them without soul. I've been training that sort of things with my vocal-coach for a little while now. You know like. telling with your face without making any sound.

Yeah it's really important to use your stomac, or as you call it. Your support. Without it you cannot hit the higher notes powerful enough and you will soon have a throat in a not-so-good condition. We practice that alot in the choir as well. Breathing exercises and stuff. I havn't been doing any of these exercises for the entire summer and I can really feel the difference, but soon it's back to school and get my voice chaped up again.

And one thing. How do you do it. I have no idea how to growl. When I do it, my support sort of dissapear. Don't know. Singing's more mything I guess.

To answer your question. Yeah, I think I have soul enough to do it-
I sing clean vox ok, but in general my growls and clean both sound a hell of a lot cooler after I've lost my voice at a concert. Which is probably good that I've got a cold :p

If you want us to start recording some prelim stuff, king, maybe give us a timing breakdown as to how long you think certain sections are gonna be.

@kov: I can do that. Like I said, the new drum software I'm using is hard to master. But I was planning on doing a breakdown of where I think sections of lyrics belong.

@Vizjaqtaar: If I do a version with programmed drums, and you can learn beats with a similar feel and record them in time with the riffs, then hell yes you can do drums.
RampageSword said:
I'm a good growler but I don't have any equipment whatsoever....

...which makes you totally useless and not so awesome. But listen - we've got a new style for you: KARAOKE GROWL!!!! :heh:

If I ever participate, I'll be doing it naked and taping it :blush:
plintus said:
...which makes you totally useless and not so awesome. But listen - we've got a new style for you: KARAOKE GROWL!!!! :heh:


plintus said:
If I ever participate, I'll be doing it naked and taping it :blush:

OH NO!!!


I have the same problem as Rampy... .
Yeah, just to be extra mincecore, people participating who can get video footage should accumulate documentation on cameras of them adding their share to the song. Include staged interviews with yourselves... then as an extra on the ltd fold out digi-pack edition we can have a making of documentary :lol:... :p... You think I'm kidding?

Well people, I worked out the basics of the new drum program. I could record a copy tomorrow night if I can finish penciling in the drum map tomorrow before work... Why not get started on words for a new song? Dry Cunt perhaps? Or the wonders at your cunt? Or maybe lose the brutally offensive and derogatory genitalia reference and get a bit old school DT board... Zodijackyl Gay... The Gay Build... or my personal favourite... The Gay Fired Blanks?
Glad I just borrowed my mothers video-camera then. I'll have to fix my basement up heheh :D

Love that... Maybe on a new thread. DT-phorum-song round 2? If your up for a ballad this time I'm happy to write the music.
Ballad will be good I'm sure. But my advice to tri when writing the music, don't take it all too seriously... because then when the lyrics come out all funny and parodyish and you're at home putting poop loads of effort into something pretty creative, you might start feeling bitter. So just write a few fun quirky keyboard melodies and a synthy chorus.

If six string has a way of recording guitar at home we should invite him to do a solo in it.
Kovenant84 said:
I swear, if any of them once says something like 'hey, that's a cool idea for a song' relating to anything we've come up with here... that'll either be really cool, or I'll weep for days.


Oh no, they will be weeping :heh:

//I'm an idiot. I love cock, and am going to the MUSE show right now. Please, forgive me :Saint: