Write a DT-forum-song!

See? See? I'm not the only one!

I tried to download it using a download manager (namely the iGetter), but it still didn't work. I also tried using the URL on Quick Time and Windows MP, but it still didn't work :waah: .
i tried to download it with the opera browwer downoad manager, but it didnt work either...
when i want to play the file with the first link, it says something like it doesnt find the music player on my computer. Maybe it is because the windows media player is not my default music player...
Hmmm. Guess I'll wait until you folks have the hosting issues sorted out. In the meantime, one of you guitar guys should add in something done with a talkbox! :lol: ;)

Also, any opera vocalists in the crowd? If so, add a short operatic vox solo! :D
@Dark Dominion: hope you send me the song through msn next time i see you there. ;)
wildfyr said:
Also, any opera vocalists in the crowd? If so, add a short operatic vox solo! :D

Please, don't make it nightwish!

And DD! Yeah! Give us the song. I can listen to it, but not download it and I need if I'm gonnare record this week. I want to hear the growl soon, cause I have the clean part worked out, but I can't back you with iiiiiiinsignificunt if I don't know what rythm you've got.
Damn, I don´t easily remember the Forum being so co-operative - and of course, i´ve missed this. Anyways, what an excellent idea! If I get some ideas with the vocals, I might share them.

If you guys have problems with sharing the files, one way is to upload to www.megaupload.com. It takes up to 250 mb and from what I remembered was relatively fast if considered that it´s free. I uploaded a wave size of 50 and didn´t get frustrated, but can´t really remember the speeds.

Should we make a cd-r single out of this and send it to the band?

edit: the url has obviously changed: http://uploadfile.putfile.com/videos/a7-21600140550.mp3 is now the one which works.
Of course we should send it to the band...

One thing, when this song is finished and it will be very soon. I'm recording this week..... We will make another song of course and the one's who missed the oportunity to do some work on this one will do it on the next. Cause I think my singingpartmelody is done now...

Who is the growler again.... LBRH or DD?
Exactly - as much of the functionality of ProTools that I need for something like this, but for free (:)), which is the main reason I linked it.

I hope we do some more of these soon. I could honestly see this turning out alot cooler than anyone originally thought :)
