WTF are you listening to?

My MP3 player eventually died when one of my kids slobbered on it when she was a baby. I replaced it with an iPod which I eventually dropped and broke. I've had an iPhone for a few years now and it can't hold much music, especially when it's filled with pictures. A couple weeks ago I looked at hi-fi dedicated music players but when I realized hi-fi downloads are expensive as fuck I lost interest.
heard of spotify?
Pillorian - "Obsidian Arc" 8/10

After about 10 complete listens, I think that this is an excellent album and I am pleasantly surprised. The first single ("A Stygian Pyre") didn't really do much for me but it all comes together in the context of the whole album. To me, these songs sound more like Agalloch than most of the stuff off of "The Serpent & The Sphere" does. Most of this album could be described as a mix between "Marrow of the Spirit" and "Faustian Echoes". I have a feeling that these guys will develop their own unique sound as time goes on, but it's only been like a year since the whole break-up thing and here we are with a really good album. It's nothing ground-breaking or life-changing, and there are even some unfortunately generic riffs here and there, but the songs hit most of the sweet spots and there are definitely some moments of that classic Haughm songwriting (check out "The Vestige of Thorns")

ps - One of the best sounding albums I've heard in the last 5 years... excellent production and a totally terrific drum performance as well.

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