WTF are you listening to?

I've been in a bigtime stoner/psych/drone/downtuned mood today...




Not listening to anything right now because my goddam iTunes account lost all my shit. I gotta tell ya man, I've about had it with technology. It's convenient but the shit never actually works. So far this morning I've tried to stream music to my Apple TV and the few songs that actually play lose signal. So I switched to my B&W Zeppelin and got to hear one song before the signal fell off from that thing and it got confused and I had to unplug it. All I fucking want to do is listen to music and I would prefer not to have to store, transport and protect hundreds of CDs but I guess that's what I'm going to have to do.
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I think all of the components of the process are fucked up. iTunes lost my songs. The Comcast router that I rent is a piece of shit that can barely send a signal to the next room and sometimes drops it altogether. The Zeppelin has the weakest antenna ever and can't handle the slightest degradation in signal. It's a wonder the finished product coming out of the speakers - a rare feat - even sounds like music.
For the first time in my life I have a vehicle with Bluetooth. It's convenient to listen to the hundreds of songs I'm able to store on my phone but they sound like SHIT. There are some that I just skip over because they're compressed to within an inch of their life and I can't stand it
You dudes don't rock mp3 players anymore? I got a handful of burned CDs in the car but I got a gym mp3 player that has my whole collection on it
My MP3 player eventually died when one of my kids slobbered on it when she was a baby. I replaced it with an iPod which I eventually dropped and broke. I've had an iPhone for a few years now and it can't hold much music, especially when it's filled with pictures. A couple weeks ago I looked at hi-fi dedicated music players but when I realized hi-fi downloads are expensive as fuck I lost interest.