WTF are you listening to?

Not only does this album feature Noltem's own Shalin Shah on bass, but it's easily one of the best albums of the year. There were some really incredible releases during 2019. I didn't make a list, but this is close to the top. Masterful audio engineering by Dave Kaminsky and otherwise outstanding performances all around. It's "progressive/black" metal but so much more than that. Lots of King Crimson vibes during the incredible instrumental track.
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Listening to this at ClimbThar's behest while looking at self absorbed abortions socially sucking each other's cocks at the gym. Nothing worst than gym culture. Everyone in here sporting a different fuckboi shirt such as "Made for Abuse," Anti Diet Club," "Im a yoked fuckboi." Just lift and get over yourselves.
New Spectral Lore and Mare Cognitum split. 2 hours of atmo black metal dedicated to the planets

Perfect for being stuck at home.
Favorite recent band find in a while. Flamen bring to mind Obsequiae, Graveland, Spite Extreme Wing, and Belenos. Track IV is my favorite, starting at 22:53

Yea, that Furor Lunae album is definitely a gem--it hurt that it was released early in the year.

Some new stuff:

New Malokarpatan! Already top album of the year material---so many different styles incorporated but so so metal. Just listen to these two tracks—could be from a different album, but it works! Some parts remind me of a frenzied Imaginary Sonicscape era Sigh track (my # 1 sigh album)

New album by the guy from Morbos Chron—melodic death—kind of wanders around a bit—reminds me of morningrise opeth with clean electrics instead of acoustics

Another year—another eclectic out there Mamaleek album—fantastic stuff here.

See above—circle of ourorbous—I will get someone on this forum to like this band :D—let the melodies wash over you!

Jangely French bm—a bit more crazed than your usual DSO clone

New bolt gun --- Most tracks lead with waves of ambience building into some much relieved cacophony—really works for these days…

If you like, the rest of the stream is here thanks to invisible oranges:
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