WTF are you listening to?

Thanks for the Elder reminder dudes, I picked up one of their albums in San Luis Obispo some years ago but have only spun it a handful of times. I always remember buying albums on vacation, because no road trip is complete without stopping by an independent music store.

Fucking PERFECT for the first warm day of the year right now. Holy shit I haven't seen the sun in weeks until today. :kickass: :doesthisevenwork:
Fucking PERFECT for the first warm day of the year right now. Holy shit I haven't seen the sun in weeks until today. :kickass: :doesthisevenwork:

Nadrian, have you ever heard the Truckfighters, specifically the Gravity X album? It’s like Kyuss/QOTSA mixed with Danzig-esque vocals. If not, you want to.

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Nadrian, have you ever heard the Truckfighters, specifically the Gravity X album? It’s like Kyuss/QOTSA mixed with Danzig-esque vocals. If not, you want to.
I know of them but think I avoided them because I found their name stupid, ha. Clearly that doesn't matter cuz this is pretty cool, thanks!

I took a year off from bands/gigs and had just started up a blues n' roll thingy when the quarantine was unleashed. Hopefully when all this crud is over (and if I survive) I'll start rawkin' out again in similar big amp'd fashion. Loud Amps Save Lives.
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That menace ruine is good stuff--reminds me of joyless a bit--Also liking that slift album above!

^^ I mean, come on--clearly in top form here.

^ambient for these times

^dark...and wet...

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Wow, that Untamed Land is definitely different. It's absurd in concept, but works in execution. Bathory from the wild, wild west. WTF?

Also I need to explore Ulcerate further. I have one of their albums and it is striking. Death metal + atmosphere = thank you sir may I have another. Which reminds me of the sheer tragedy of only owning two Immolation albums, another Thing I should adjust in my existence.
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Comus ring a bell?

I found the maybe first outspoken Comus worship band and they're from Sweden. There's some explicit imitation involved (vocals especially) but somehow this band manages to expand on the original First Utterance sound and write bold, exciting songs I'm sure Comus wouldn't spit on.

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