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glad I discovered this album (from browsing the Consouling webstore where I also bought the Archaic Modernism: The Art of Christophe Szpajdel book).

quite intense dark/artsy doom rock thing, took a few listens to sink in but some of the more dramatic orchestrations release endorphins in a big way.

Have been listening to a lot of John Frusciante lately---have always wanted to check out his solo material but never got around until the last two weeks. Mostly been listening to 'Will to Death' and 'Curtains' --both excellent---albums that I know will be with me for a long time coming. While not as morose as Jason Molina---reminds me of when I was discovering all of his material----one day you had no idea it existed---and then not. I know i'm late to the party here--Doomcifer and Nad you guys feel me here?!
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I went through a very serious Solo Frusciante phase many years ago, Shadows Collide With People was on constant rotation for a spell and I quite enjoyed those two albums as well. Check out A Sphere in the Heart of Silence, it is suddenly electronic with painful screaming!

I drove a tiny rental car alone from Texas to California back then and only had three albums with me: Danzig 4p, Shadows Collide with People, and whatever the new Megadeth was at the time. And maybe some Beck on CD-R, don't recall that last one though. Good times!
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