WTF are you listening to?

Have you ever heard of Tengger Cavalry? They were on Napalm Records briefly, my brother in law toured with them for a while as a Tuvan-style throat singer. He also played the Igil, which is their traditional string instrument. He makes his own, it’s pretty badass.

The band wasn’t my style and sort of exemplified the worst aspects of modern “folk metal”, but I think he would probably agree with me on that.

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Yeah I once stumbled upon HU a few years ago and I thought "these dudes are millionaires whilst Nokturnal Mortum probably still works at a gas station," and then bitched/moaned about real art for a spell.
Somehow I ended up on Halestorm after HU. Sure I get it, riot grrl Nickelback with Iron Maiden singalongs. I hate myself for almost enjoying it.
sigh - heir to despair

drawn in by the amazing cover art, turns out the album is pretty freakin good too

This song is alright but it might as well be Amorphis for the first minute. I don't know why any of these bands still think its a good idea to start an album with that generic-ass Middle-Eastern melody. It always sounds the same.

Never heard of em. Will check out tonight.

Speaking of I Howls of Ebb and new Spectral Lore CDs showed up!