WTF are you listening to?

I think my avatar is making me seem angrier than I actually am

Seriously, you are DOOMCIFER, goddammit!
Also, where else have I been a twat? Please provide evidence, or I will blame it simply on your inability to release your angst on barbells
Ya know, ever since you gave up the booze, you've been real twat. I can tell your really miserable underneath your new world-by-the-balls facade.

hahah ... that was angry in itself.

anyway, count me in the group of bitter fucks ... gave up my office today and will work from home for a few months ... after which, if the economy is still a fucked up rollercoaster, I will have to rejoin the ratrace ...

the fear of that will probably make me come up with a grand scheme to make sure it doesn't happen.

dorian ... balls chopped
dick ... sober
ken ... laid out for weeks

this is going to be an angry bunch
hey, fuck you Aurel!!!
I get emotional/upset for 2 days, and now I'm an emotional ball of yarn. I'm a bit of an open book, so that's probably not good for the internets.
I get emotional/upset for 2 days, and now I'm an emotional ball of yarn.

Bro, I was just joking, that was all in jest. To the far tip of my tongue, to the deepest cavern of Michelle Jenneke's cheek(s). I for one appreciate you good folk opening up and letting a load off your chest. It's good to have a place to come to for advice without being harshly judged or scrutinized. Any quip which you found unsavory from my end, I apologize for, as that was not the intent. You're cool as fuck, and I'd share a pint with you any time. Don't hesitate to discuss any emotional issues on this forum, same goes for Justin. We're all a music loving family, as far as I'm concerned.
My tone was probably wrong, and I got your joke. I was trying to be funny as well, but sometimes I'm really bad at that. I'll add a lurch smiley next time.
this band is opening for Gojira Thursday ...

Ken and Krig might dig this ...
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