WTF are you listening to?

I'm listening to what everyone else on this forum SHOULD be listening to:

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So Ken, is it safe to say I need to just start doing a monthly haul from Clean Feed and blind buy the fuck out of that label?
going to the show Wednesday and realized that I didn't even hear the last AoP release ... holy hell ... this shits all over the debut. :kickass:

this song is like amzingosity ... why was there like ZERO talk about this release????

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I love this album. Too bad they are no longer. Supposedly made a new band called Graven that I should check out though. Baltimore FTW.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
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going to the show Wednesday and realized that I didn't even hear the last AoP release ... holy hell ... this shits all over the debut. :kickass:

this song is like amzingosity ... why was there like ZERO talk about this release????

Zero talk? Erik and I both had it in our top ten lists

ya really

that one song is one of the best "black metal" or whatever you want to call it songs ive heard in years and years

the rest of the album does not really measure up
Ok so how well known are these guys? Theyve got this one song at 100k views (and its not even hugely better than the rest, though it is my favorite) and the rest at around 1000. WTF is up with that? But whatever, awesome Black Metal :kickass:
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this has to be the dumbest fucking song on radio right now ... just listen to the words ... how the fuck is Kanye involved in this?
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