WTF are you listening to?


This is a downright GORGEOUS album.

Ellestin, check it out nigga.

Dirge - Hyperion

Completely fucking stellar. Anyone who professes love for things heavy and emotional in a non-gay way (or maybe just a little) must take this here ride! :worship:

I'd say AOTY but it will be a close call with the Empyrium and Dead Congregation, and whatever other masterpiece 2014 has in store in its second half.
Cemetery "Sundown" Flashback here. One of my favorite albums senior year of high school. Shit stands the test of time :rock:
I listened to The Black Album last night for the first time in many years. This was the first CD I ever bought back in 1991. I barely made it to the Unforgiven before shutting it off. I never realized how fucking awful the lyrics to Enter Sandman are. Wow, that was cringe worthy! I still love their first 4 albums, even today they are still glorious, even "new" in a lot of ways. But this? No thanks.

I listened to Cannibal Corpse's Tomb of the Mutilated for the second time ever over the weekend, the first time was on a borrowed cassette in the early '90s. Holy living fuck, I couldn't stop :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: -ing for 35 straight minutes! Unbelievably good, I had completely forgotten (or not realized) what a landmark that was back then. Fun fact: reading the lyrics to I Cum Blood as a 14 year old freaked me out. Reading those same lyrics as a 35 year old idiot manchild have not lessened their impact.

Also I got that 2CD compilation from Edge of Sanity just recently, and while the music itself ranged from okay to good, as a band retrospective it is VERY well executed. I felt like I was part of their shared experience, something I don't often feel unless I helped create the music myself. So for that reason alone, I give it 7 thumbs up. Finally, I "get" Song of Sirens, the song I fucking hated from Purgatory Afterglow for years, but the industrial style mix on this really brings it on home.