WTF are you listening to?

I love Vision Thing. Some songs are meh, but the heavier leanings of "Ribbons," and "Dr. Jeep," and the over the top awesomeness of "More" make it epic.

^I approve all of the above.
Random thoughts about goth/dark/wave/post/punk/crap:

I haven't heard Vision Thing but I swear that I have seen that Clan of Xymox album cover in my own music collection. '80s 4AD doesn't narrow things down really, and now that I'm perusing the shelves, I think it is a Cocteau Twins album cover I'm thinking of.

Re: Siouxsie, I'd say that Juju is my favoUrite of hers. But why pick only one? I even dig her not-so-amazing solo album. Caught her live on that tour, she fuckin' rocked.

This kind of stuff is all my wife's territory. She is directly responsible for me getting into it, the closest I got in years gone by was when some dude in college told me: "hey you like Danzig, you should check out Bauhaus!" but then I didn't until some vagina was involved. Speaking of that, I really dig Tones On Tail, but never got into Love and Rockets.

I fucking HATED the Cure as a kid, but later recognized the brilliance of Disintegration. Even if for nothing else, DAT BASS.

I've always found that I respected Joy Division more than I liked them, if that makes sense? Not sure how to explain my strange admiration-but-not-devotion to them.

It goes without saying that Dead Can Dance have produced some of the most moving music ever. One of very few universally approved musical acts that I have come across. The Beatles for depressed types.

And right now I'm listening to Deceased, mostly because Deceased are :kickass: and such.

ive never heard this demo before. very awesome, especially 'the gallery'

why the hell can't i get these youtube links to embed?
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This is some filthy-ass fucking Sludge.