WTF are you listening to?

this album


i still don't have words

Well I've been listening to the compact disc versions of said Electric Wizard and Traffic, but I haven't picked up Mental Funeral yet, hence all the Youboob linkage.

EDIT: Also this one because I've never given Immortal an honest listen, and this album cover really caught my attention just recently:

View/listen/ing to that right now. I feel dirty when I post Youblob links to an album I don't own. How is that kind of thing legal, anyhow?
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Think I prefer Severed Survival over Mental Funeral. Weirdly I was listening to Mental Funeral yesterday in a sudden need for an immersion or old-school death metal
I paid $3 a piece for Metal Funeral and Severed Survival due to that. Surprisingly, when I started cataloguing my music a few days ago on discogs (horrible idea don't ever do this), they seem to check out as legit.
russian presses are fucking great, i have quite a few that i got for like $6 each on ebay years ago

they are usually exactly the same as the western versions except licensed to a russian company and with some cyrillic copyright text or whatever

labels like FONO, CD-MAXIMUM etc. are totally legit and lawful, but you're not supposed to sell them outside russia and the "cis states" for reasons
for reasons
reasons being that as a westerner with lots of disposable income, you're not supposed to be privy to the fact that it's perfectly possible to sell new, properly packaged music cd's for $5 or so and still turn a huge profit because they cost less than a dollar to make

I have some cheapo Burzum and random thrash CDs from South America, they were all legitimate as far as my research told me at the time.

The only bullshit things I've been suckered into was some terrible copy of Black Sabbath's Paranoid, it skipped like mad in every CD player.

Also a friend of mine bought me Toology on VHS for Xmas many years ago. That is an unauthorized Tool "documentary" that is 99% interviews with drunken fans with Tool-like music playing in the background. The other 1% was completely random information about the band.
reasons being that as a westerner with lots of disposable income, you're not supposed to be privy to the fact that it's perfectly possible to sell new, properly packaged music cd's for $5 or so and still turn a huge profit because they cost less than a dollar to make

Sounds about right. Games in Russia are incredibly cheap as well, hence all those cd key game selling sites popping up a few years back to sell to western markets (still active).

NWN used to sell their own cds and traded ones for $5, but they are the only ones I can think of even doing this. Most aren't $5 anymore in recent times I believe.
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Blut aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry
beyond words. Straight in my top 5 BM albums of all times.

Uhhh cool, how about sharing a track or two? :err:

I could probably do a quick web search, but don't wish to.

Also a friend of mine bought me Toology on VHS for Xmas many years ago. That is an unauthorized Tool "documentary" that is 99% interviews with drunken fans with Tool-like music playing in the background. The other 1% was completely random information about the band.

Put on Ænima a few hours ago, first time I've listened to these self-fellatio performing fucks in atleast five years. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I should have.