WTF are you listening to?

So I finally listened to the newest Slayer album. Shit is really good, I was impressed.

Also some Bon Iver and Ulver when people were over, that's my "adult background" music or something.

Then when alone I put Burning Witch and Noothgrush out and forgot to spin then.

Instead I listened to like 5 Carcass albums. Napalm Death and Old Man Gloom in the car right now.
Yeah I'm not sure if I'll listen to it a lot, but it's pretty neat. Fuckin' horrible recording though, ick. It's all that volume wars poop in the red, but not in some rad sort of Stooges type of way.
i never understood why this disc is so highly regarded and sold like all hell ...

i mean all the songs are catchy as fuck but none gave me a real boner (except the ending to Paradise City which rules)
i never understood why this disc is so highly regarded and sold like all hell ...

i mean all the songs are catchy as fuck but none gave me a real boner (except the ending to Paradise City which rules)

GOOD GOD you fail at music :worship:
appetite for destruction is definitely a classic. my older brother had the cassette, i totally remember the dirty artwork inside haha.
There was a dirty pic in appetite too.... painting of a chick getting felt up by an alien bug or something