WTF are you listening to?

today i did some Iron Maiden, bunch of Meshuggah, couple Slayer, couple Municipal Waste, King Diamond, watched some docus on youtube about eastwood/leone/westerns in the middle there, and now im gonna go downstairs and watch a film or 2 on the projector

:kickass: satuday


love the 70's ... undeniably the biggest international big moolah band and the main chicks show up in the video like pigs ... chipped teeth ... guitar player with a questionable haircut ....
and they cleaned our pockets.
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that Action Bronson dude had the funniest fucking line about hairy bush in a song I was listening to in my car yesterday ... never LOL'd out loud in my car before.

i'll try to find it ...

drinkign heavily right now.
hahah ... this is the song "9-24-11"
on this page ...
love this dude's food references as he obviously knows his shit ...
he WAS a chef for quite a while and gave it up for hiphop ... he must be really confident.
love the 70's ... undeniably the biggest international big moolah band and the main chicks show up in the video like pigs ... chipped teeth ... guitar player with a questionable haircut ....
and they cleaned our pockets.

haha lurch, you're on fire tonight