WTF - Nevermore on Mtv's Sorority Life???


Aug 30, 2001
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Ok, haven't posted in a while but had to put this...
changing channels I hear something familiar, so I stop and listen, and it's THE HEART COLLECTOR, no vocals, but the music. Then I realize it's this HORRIBLE mtv series. How gross is this??? :yuk:
I didn't see that other thread - no need to be a dick.
My only reason why I think it's stupid is these CHEESEY girls are discussing something totally retarded and they have the nerve to play such a GREAT song in the backround.
They should stick to their shitty Jlo or Britney Spears.
Those motherfuckers are on a roll. So far I've heard Engines of Hate, The Sound of Silence and The Heart Collector on MTV's gay reality shows.
And it's not like they even get any money from it!!! They should get royalties for being subjected to such bullshit shows.
By bitching, they'd be ridiculed and called sellouts, probably. No-win situation either way.

Century Media probably lets MTV do it, they own part the music, too.
doesnt mtv do a little thing at the end that says 'music on this episode by: blah blah'? they used to at least. not that anyone would necicarily like it and pursue it, but their name being listed couldnt really hurt.
I think its great. IT could be a sign that the guys may be getting ready to get some CASH.

If they dont get paid, they should BITCH about. Just cause you get paid does not mean your a sell out. IT means your making a living.