wtf - they are smiling!!!


Jun 20, 2002
Aveta, Sweden
can some one explain what's goin' on!?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

the picture is taken from this site
and i'm not from russia so i don't understand a JOTA of what's the article is saying, but there seems to be a press cenference or something :ill:

nice pic's - right!!
OK this has nothing to do with a smiling Jonas , but I was browsing on the site and this one struck me... I like it a lot! Blond hair suites Jonas very good actually.. I think even like it better then the black hair! ( and that coming from a usually-dark-hair-loving-girl :p )

I read it briefly
I could translate it but it's gonna take a long i'll summerize

it's an article about the interview taken with Katatonia after their show in the "Tochka" club in Moscow sept. 17th 2005

The first paragraph describes how tired and unhappy with life they look.
the second one describes the crazy russian Kata fans.
Then the press conference starts.
The journalists are divided into two groups one of them was the "Darksiders" who asked most of the questions.(darksiders meaning Death/Doom Metal lovers). They talked about how Kata's "Darkside" fans are dissapointed with Katatonia's change of style and the fact that fans payed for something other than what they got.

Mainly the whole thing is boring and filled with facts we already know.