Wtf ????

ooow yeah gato negro! i love that wine! i'll try that way next time i buy one :)

red, beef, i visited Penang a while ago, i really love that island.. food was yammy, people were friendly, how do you like it there?

hehe metal union is a cool idea. i want to join too!
Originally posted by pzy
so who`s gonna be president ?

i only want a place to calm down and chill :) the others should care about politics, thats not my kind of work. but if we need a metal-state webpage i`ll make them :)

ANARCHY IN THE MK!! (Metal Kingdom, :)) why somebody has to rule you?! only common people without any president telling you what to do!
Originally posted by pzy
so who`s gonna be president ?

Don't know, but I will provide the beer with the help of the nice border store, man I got abouts 35 liters of beer now:muahaha:
On other notes, one thing I didn't much like about Germany was the fact that not many people spoke english. Other than that it was cool, I might have to concider moving there. I think I might start learning the language a bit first tho.