

Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
what the hell is wrong with this website?

it's ages the same "a new fan site is coming soon" page is online and no fansite seems to come to life there...

is that one of the many 'rent-seekers' who just buy famous domains and sell them at huge prices just to make money out of it? (otherwise no "buy this domain" message would be there...) :erk: :erk: :erk:
it could also be one of those programmers who find planning a website a lot funnier than actually getting to work with it. however, "If you want to BUY this domain then contact us" so, well...

then again, i don't quite see the point of a quadrillion fansites existing.
the official one and http://www.dark-tranquillity.nl/ pretty much covers my interactive dt needs.
well each country wants to have its one fansite, so it's cool to have fan sites for every country... each offering more or less the same things but in a different way as for the "interactive" part..

more than that, fan sites (at least mine) are not just websites, it's also some kind of fan-club... I organise meet and greets for fans, contests and so on... it's not just interactive needs: people also want something real.. and this is what I try to give out (for free) to the italian fans that like my website...

a single website for all countries just wouldn't do.. simply because organising events for fans in every country of europe or even the world is *slightly* complicated!
you have a good point there, and those sorts of sites definitely deserve praise.

it's just that my, possibly a bit biased, view of fan pages is that they seldomly are anywhere near that ambitious. at the other hand i haven't bothered checking the situation for quite some years, so maybe it's time to revaluate.
No, you're right, Del. Most fansites (Nico's and Diana's being exceptions) are mediocre sites with black backgrounds, very little information (and maybe a pic) of each band member and only the band's latest full-length albums.

While i agree with Nico in that each country or region should have its own site to organize events and so on, having 3478560897 websites with different addresses and exactly the same information is rather tiresome, at least for me. I find that Diana's site fulfills most of my DT needs (partly because it's very complete and easy to navigate through and partly because it's in english *looks suspiciously Nico's way*), and having many more sites with half the information on her site just takes up net space, methinks.
Januar Kefarat (specialreserved@yahoo.com)
Taman Harapan 884
Jakarta Raya,11040

Creation Date: 16-Sep-2000
Expiration Date: 16-Sep-2006
UndoControl said:
No, you're right, Del. Most fansites (Nico's and Diana's being exceptions) are mediocre sites with black backgrounds, very little information (and maybe a pic) of each band member and only the band's latest full-length albums.

While i agree with Nico in that each country or region should have its own site to organize events and so on, having 3478560897 websites with different addresses and exactly the same information is rather tiresome, at least for me. I find that Diana's site fulfills most of my DT needs (partly because it's very complete and easy to navigate through and partly because it's in english *looks suspiciously Nico's way*), and having many more sites with half the information on her site just takes up net space, methinks.
well darkillity is in italian coz it's for italian fans :kickass:
but who knows.. maybe in a future I can add english language... :)