www.dark-tranquillity.nl - renewed

Well, the lyrics to Hedon say "Jupiter in our unforgiving eves", though I think it should be "eyes".

Looks good to me.
Awesome work with the lyrics rahvin, it's great to have a proper version of the Shadow Duet lyrics in particular.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Awesome work with the lyrics rahvin, it's great to have a proper version of the Shadow Duet lyrics in particular.

thanks :) i adjourn and revise the whole thing now and then, as i believe that people who are interested in word-by-word lyrics should have their safe haven too.

edit: oh, and some of them aren't my version. yet.
i checked, and everything except hedon and the newer lost to apathy / character combo is my revised edition. this explains the typos on hedon. ;)

this song will be changed to its corrected edited form right away. for the rest, you have to wait until next month.
Yeah as far as that goes, if you could do Derivation TNB first then that would be nice. Just about the only song that there aren't any definite lyrics for, other than the ones in the thread here. To be honest I'd just like to not have to open Word for the sake one song's lyrics.
On the CFM page, it reads Soultorn in two places, the other (I'll let you decide which) of which should read Green Carnation. When I click on a thumbnail to get a full sized image it doesn't work either, just opens a small window and keeps loading it ad infinitum (ok I got lazy around the 20 second mark).
First of all, the site is really loaded with cool info, but that's not new is it... :)

I think it looks great, it's now easier to navigate and get access to everything on the site. I've found a smaller error btw, in the review-section, this is cut short compared to the original that you can find here.
Excellent work! The new site is even easier to navigate than the old one and the amount of information is overwhelming. I have to say there are many bits of DT-trivia on the site that I didn't know beforehand. :oops:

A couple of minor errors on the songwriting credits (according to my booklets; if you have a booklet where these are listed differently, let me know):
- I'm pretty sure the mysterious person behind The Mind's Eye is Morgan Palm, not Palin. Someone with the re-done TMI-booklet can probably confirm that (I don't have that new version yet).
- Brändström should be credited for Hours Passed in Exile and Static
- Jivarp should be listed before Sundin in the credits for The Poison Well on Exposures (this is correct on Damage Done bonustrack)
- Henriksson should be credited for In Sight
- The credits for Misery in Me should be: Stanne, Jivarp, Sundin, Henriksson
- The credits for Exposure should be: Henriksson, Johansson, Sundin (this is correct on Projector bonustrack)
- Stanne should be credited for the music on Unfurled by Dawn
- Henriksson should be credited for Vernal Awakening
- Henriksson and Jivarp should be credited for Void of Tranquillity

Oh, and I think I owe you an email or three - I'll try to find some time to write you one next week.

@Villian: at least this time around I have a valid (well...) excuse; I've just been too focussed on writing Henriksson instead of Hendriksson, my eternal mistake, since here in Holland we only have mr. and mrs Hendrikssons :p
Just kidding. Should have but forgot to check exposures - I just copied and pasted the info from my old site. At the time I added the credits, Exposures wasn't released and there's no info on the original cassettes and EP's . Anyway, thanks for letting me know, I'll change it *now*