Xian music ROCKS!


My name is Distance
Dec 22, 2001
Columbus, Ohio
Who the fuck gives one unholy shit if the themes of the songs are about an ideology you disagree with if YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND THE LYRICS???

It's fucking idiocy, that's what. .hopesfall. - The End of an Era is one of the most amazing songs that I have ever heard, and I could give one half of a shit what he's saying in the lyrics. The emotion the music creates is identifiable to people of all credos, not only some deluded sheep.

Zao - Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest is another example of a metal band that is kicking all ass. Some of their lyrics are discernable and they are obviously Christian, but I really don't care.

Personally, I feel that bands with Satanic lyrics are even worse. A kneejerk reaction to a religion you don't agree with by claiming allegiance to a being that by all accounts wishes you eternal torment is just fucking hilarious, especially when the bands don't even believe the bullshit they are spouting but just want to shock and offend.
Did we really need another one of these threads?

But about Satan... not by all accounts is he evil. Lucifer (Light Bringer) before he got the all that bad P.R. from the Christian church, was not seen as a bad guy.

1. There's the Jewish view.
2. Compare for yourself Lucifer to, say, Prometheus. His actions don't look so bad now, do they?

Fuck I'm bored. Think I'll go take a nap.
Prometheus stole fire and gave it to man, but in doing so, defied the gods and was punished. He was eventually released and lived out his days.

Satan fought to take the throne from God. He was banished to hell along with 1/3 of the angels. He tempted Eve to commit the first sin. He tempted Jesus. Many attribute the atrocities of today to him.

Hm, which one is the lesser of the two evils?
LuminousAether said:
Personally, I feel that bands with Satanic lyrics are even worse. A kneejerk reaction to a religion you don't agree with by claiming allegiance to a being that by all accounts wishes you eternal torment is just fucking hilarious, especially when the bands don't even believe the bullshit they are spouting but just want to shock and offend.



[Edit] The band name for the NP is 'Navicon Torture Technologies:' The ALBUM is called 'Church of Dead Girls.'
Prometheus brought fire to man. Fire/light has been a metaphor for ages. If thought of as it so often as been, since Socrates' allegory of the cave, it could be infered that Prometheus was bringing knowledge. In that knowledge was the break from dependance on the gods. Zeus, punished him by chaining him to a cliff with birds to peck at his organs (I thought for eternity, maybe not). Kinda harsh.

Lucifer (again I stress the meaning Light Bringer) broke free from the servitude of an egocentric (really, who creates something simply to be worshipped? sheesh) dictator. The apple of knowledge was reputed to give the knowledge of god. Lucifer wanted to free man of the instinctual non-sentient life. And was Eden really paradise? Did god add to man some inherent knowledge of evil? How could they appreciate the lack-there-of without it? If he did, why would he burden them so? Back to the apple... god actually threatened Adam and Eve (lied really). He said they'd die if they eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Was he scared? Of what? The break of codependence (he gets worship, they get no troubles)? Lucifer actually told them the truth!

"...Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

So, to live as a god is to live as man does at this very time? The same man that is cursed with original sin? Odd.

One quote I find infinitely interesting is, " in sorrow shalt thou eat of it [the tree of knowledge] all the days of thy life." Knowledge brings sorrow? Sorrow brings knowledge? Dunno, interesting though.

We all know what comes next. Punishment! Yay! So of course god punishes man with pain, sorrow and mortality. He gives women the extra punishment of pain with childbirth. He purposefully makes relations between the sexes difficult: "...I will put enmity between thee and the woman..." And isn't it megabitchy that he then goes and says you can't just fuck your own sex? Damn him! Always one step ahead!

Sooooooooooo.....To answer your question Dreamlord, neither is evil.
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Bored or not you made a great point, several in fact.
Christianity is the most asinine and hypocoristic bullshit philosophy in existence. It's riddled with double standards and just plain non logical thought. And no mater what these pathetic neo-fanatics state..it's on it's way out. Good riddens to bad rubbish! 2,000 years is way fucking more than enough!
People's sad devotion to that self denying religion reinforces my belief that most people are stupid. It's outdated and modern science debunks about every aspect of it.
As for Xtian music there's not one single band that has the balls and girth that any other normal metal band has. Not one! Metal is hate filled and aggression driven not fueled by flowers and some mythical anorexic jew that supposedly got nailed to a stick millennia ago. Get a clue everyone.
Science and reason will prevail and be around a hell of a lot longer after all of these fairy tales are long forgotten.

Darth Kur said:
Bored or not you made a great point, several in fact.
Christianity is the most asinine and hypocoristic bullshit philosophy in existence. It's riddled with double standards and just plain non logical thought. And no mater what these pathetic neo-fanatics state..it's on it's way out. Good riddens to bad rubbish! 2,000 years is way fucking more than enough!
People's sad devotion to that self denying religion reinforces my belief that most people are stupid. It's outdated and modern science debunks about every aspect of it.
As for Xtian music there's not one single band that has the balls and girth that any other normal metal band has. Not one! Metal is hate filled and aggression driven not fueled by flowers and some mythical anorexic jew that supposedly got nailed to a stick millennia ago. Get a clue everyone.
Science and reason will prevail and be around a hell of a lot longer after all of these fairy tales are long forgotten.

Here here.

*lifts a glass*