Lyrical Content > Music?

I will ignore Mort. :rolleyes:

Ein, yes I listen to more of the genre. It's my favorite genre.
I like Be`lakor, Senate, The Scourger, Solerrain, Degradead, Persefone, Erik Wallen (one man band), Inner Aggression, Angelic Illusion, Nebucadnezzer, Raintime, Blind Stare, Shade Empire, Dark Flood, With Faith Or Flames, Thunderstone, Balfor, Northland (I guess they're folkish metal), Paths Of Possession, Solarisis, Detonation, Universum, Tracedawn...
and of course Norther is my favorite. I told you before they were one of the bands that got me into ANY kind of death metal, so I'm kind of biased, I love them.
You could argue that they're power metal, actually. The instrumentation sounds power metal at times.

You should check out the band recommendations forum, Vashti. There are a few threads that deal with melodic death metal. You'd probably find a lot of bands that you would dig.
aw okay thanks Ein.

I don't hear power metal in Norther...I've heard plenty of people say Children Of Bodom is Power Metal with harsh vocals...and then say Norther is a complete copy, but you guys are the first that I have heard say Norther is power metal haha
but that's's not like power metal is bad. I don't care what kind of metal it is, as long as it sounds good.

I'll check out the band recommendation forum too.

cheers :kickass: