Xmas Haul Thread


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
Post what you got here. This is what I received:

a Glenfiddich tasting set (included a bottle of Glenfiddich 12, a glass and a "whiskey tasting diary" :lol: )
a bottle of Lost Abbey's Gift of the Magi
REI gift card
Target gift card
Thermal shirt
swim trunks
a furry wintery hat that's way too warm for this climate
down comforter
digital camera

and that's about it. I'll be flying out to texas in a few days to see my dad and stepmom to celebrate with them. see what I get
Plotinus' first Ennead in Greek
Diogenes Laertius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers in Greek
A few books on classics themes
bottle of wine

and such and such
A Novation Nocturn 25 keyboard which I bought myself. My family stopped with the whole present thing a couple years back.
Riot-Thundersteel LP
Omen-Warning of Danger LP
Uriah Heep-Demons and Wizards LP
A Sony USB turntable
and a few other things that I'm too tired to think of
2 pairs of jeans
a new pair of shoes and boots
4 metal shirts
a jacket
a pile of cds
7 xbox 360 games
$85 worth of gift cards from different places to eat

and about $135 spending cash that I'm going to blow as soon as I can deposit it into my account.

MY family is slowly turning Christmas into making sure I have clothes... and I kinda like it that way.
Neither side of my family tends to make a formal spectacle out of Christmas anymore, so I didn't expect anything. I was very surprised to get:

-About $400 in cash (which is all going toward music and books since I'm surprisingly financially set for school)
-An awesome cheap flannel shirt (it's a gag gift every male in the family gets but this thing is comfortable as fuck and kicks all kinds of ass)
-A couple of other shirts
-Some writing materials for intense scholarly pursuits
-A stockpile of Sour Dots that I'm making use of now
-Assorted gift cards for food and gas

My family knows that I like to treat myself to exclusive music and literature, so it basically turns into a contest to find the most intriguing way to package cash. I have no complaints.
Ugh, I wish I could recieve some cash. Instead I got a stereo system that doesn't work, socks, pajamas, Arrested Development Season 3, Curb Your Enthusiam Season 1, and some other shit.

All that I really wanted some some money towards school/PA system.
New computer chair which I assembled quite handily
Set of Guinness pint glasses
50 bucks to Gamestop
50 bucks to the mall Gamestop's in (so, $100 to Gamestop :erk:)
50 bucks to Amazon.com
Couple other giftcards
Lots of warmer clothing
Some cash
A new wallet to put all those things in
A nice electric fleece blanket
I got a pretty 13 inch mac pro and a neckpiece from horsechick. Then I took it to a bar to meet this polish fingersmellinghater chick and she beat me up again because of it. I don't mind her beating me up but this time she tried to make ME beat HER up and I wasn't up for this shit. Because I like her.


a few boxes of expensive socks (lol)

more monies

So I've bought myself an Ortofon OM 10 cartridge for my turntable, which was cheap anyway and I'm probably going to get some albums and some clothes. Possibly including shirts (no homo) and other such ridiculousness.

Bugera 333XL wohoo for shitty webcam pictures.

And some soap.

Oh yeah, my genius of parents didn't even get me speaker cables for that either. So it's a 500 dollar living room piece, and occasional coaster for my brother, until he spills purple drink on it and I flip the fugg out on him.
Jeans from Holister. Usually I only like jeans from american eagle and urban outfitter, but they're pretty nice jeans.
The Dictionary of Dreams. 10,000 Dreams Interpreted.
Think Positive Book.
The Usual Suspects DVD.
The Departed DVD.
New phone.
Electric Razor.
Laptop Case thing
Cd Case.

I bought myself this awesome jacket at American Eagle.