
Yeah no shit. I used to blame it on no Anthrax activity but even with a new LP and tours nothing. I guess boards are passé now. I remember when it was hard to keep up in this board and I'd end up missing threads altogether from getting bumped to the next page. Also, I'm sure the fact that there isn't a link to it on the new official page doesn't help. Ah the good ole days when the band was much more accessible (you didn't have to drop $100 for a meet and greet) .
Hey there guys. I just haven't posted anything recently because I don't have any thing Anthrax related to point out at the moment.
I remember when I first got on this board back in '02 or so it was alot of fun. I still browse the threads but it is not the same. TD, Brat, Buddy, Greg. and the list goes on... I miss those conversations...
I'm a bit surprised that so few bands actually make more of an effort to connect with their supporters.

In a time when fewer and fewer listeners actually bother paying for music, I'd consider it to be quite relevant to create some sort of "bond" with the fans.

I think I've mentioned it before, but Ginger from the Wildhearts is experiencing quite a boost in popularity from his recent pledge campaign.
The fans have pledged over £100.000 to fund his new triple album. In addition he personally answers questions from fans over at Formspring. He's essentially building a community for music lovers...and people want to pay for the music.

I guess it's a lot of work, but it seems to make more sense than releasing an album through the traditional (and somewhat dated) record compaies and have an administrator write posts on Facebook and Twitter regarding the band. It doesn't bridge the gap between the band and the listeners, and it doesn't make the fans feel morally obliged to pay for the music that they listen to.

In addition, when the fans are charged money to be able to chat with the band it just becomes too much, in my opinion. Times are changing. Fewer fans are worshipping the musicians that they listen to, so perhaps it's time to get off the high horse?

I love Anthrax's music. I really do. I pre-ordered their new album before hearing any of the tunes (apart from Fight Em). I've downloaded a few albums in the past without paying for them...I can admit that. I've done it because I've been unsure of the quality of the music and I wanted to have a proper listen before spending the money.

I didn't do that with Worship Music. I bought it straight away. Yet I didn't like Stomp or Vol. 8, and I wasn't shure if WM was going to be any good. So why did I feel such a strong moral obligation towards buying WM straight away?

Perhaps it was because of this little community we've got going right here?