yes "fragile"...

Teh Grimarse said:
i just finally downloaded high quality versions of every Beatles album yesterday. i've been listening to this shit for at least 40 of the last 48 hours. right now i almost don't remember what metal sounds like, nor do i exactly care. but goddamit do i love the fucking Beatles.

..and thus, you fail.
Teh Grimarse said:
here's a list of 60s artists that are >>>>>>> carcass:

credence clearwater revival
james brown
nick drake

more to come.

Don't bother on my account.

No, really, don't.
Teh Grimarse said:
what albums have you heard?

The Boatman's Call
Abattoir Blues
The Lyre of Orpheus

And I think Nocturama, but I am not sure anymore. From all those albums Murder Ballads is really the only one I think is consistently good. The others have their moments but overall they are just not my thing, which is a shame because I do love his voice and his lyrics.

By the way, since you seem to be quite a fan, have you heard Barry Adamson's solo work? As Above, So Below is a pretty fun album. Especially the track "Jazz Devil".
have you heard Barry Adamson's solo work?

yeah, i'm a big (huge) nick cave fan, and that goes for all of the family of bands/artists that have played with him over the years. barry adamson was quite an influence on me as a bass player actually.

and oh, you must must MUST get some older albums! especially the first 3 (from her to eternity, firstborn is dead, your funeral my trial), which featured Barry on bass and a much more significant contribution from Blixa (on guitar). even his early 90s albums are fanfuckingtastic. if you've not heard his early work, you'll be astonished by how different (and ultimately how much better) it is from what he's done for the last decade.

also get any of the Birthday Party albums, his late 70's/early 80's band before the Bad Seeds. many people still consider those songs to be the greatest thing he's ever been involved with.

and check out The Dirty Three (featuring current violinist Warren Ellis), Crime And The City Solution (featuring Mick Harvey and Rowland S. Howard), and of course the almighty EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN, the godlike band of guitarist Blixa Bargeld, for more Nick Cave Family Music.