A Fragile Mind Review


doom classic
Mar 27, 2002
Charlotte, NC, USA
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Just got mine in the mail from Lasers Edge, you may need to adjust your equilizer on your player to compensate for lower vox and deep bass mix (maybe it's just my set-up).

Intro - (6 seconds) - short but sweet, probably not wanting to just jump right into "There For Me" cause it starts off fast

There For Me - (4:37) - Starts off fast, plays fast for most off the song, with a couple of time changes and slower bits. Fred's vox are really good and strong. Guitar run starting at 2:23 and going for about 35 seconds or so, then a little "Quiet-time" until about 3:13, then kicks up again. Great song

Destiny Is Sorrow - (8:00) - classic Zero Hour beginning. Good strong vocal beginning. Use of the Album title "A Fragile Mind" right off the bat in the lyrics. The chorus part is very melodic. Multiple time changes as expected. All done very well. Love the chugging guitar sound at 2:55 - 3:40. Then slow bit, with different vocal style, I am technically defecient to know the exact effects used here, sounds mono with chorus and delay with some reverb. really nice "slow" part. @ 5:40 kicks back into hard chugging jams and some runs on guitar. Gets back into some classical vocal stylings. @ 7:30 slows again for last bit of song. Excellent.

Brain Surgery - (3:12)- Fast start, (thru secod listen, my 2nd favorite), Good jamming, great vox. Great guitar runs and if I have not mentioned yet, the drums on this album are exceptional as always (Mike kicks Ass).

Losing Control - (3:45) - slow start, very melodic, then kicks in @ 41 seconds. slower song overall. This is my favorite song due to the great riffs at 2:15 - 2:30, and then later on. This song has sooooo much emotion and character. A short but great song.

Twice The Pain - (4:20) - Acoustic beginning then thundering drums, then great hard electric riff, then slow again w/acoustic. The vox from before with the effects on it. slow part, then just kick into major mayhem. very emotional song. Overall, I feel a lot of emotion from this album. Much like the previous albums. At about 2:20 there are some outstanding bass runs, right in the front of the mix. a lot of time changes and progressions. Fred's vox are really handling the soft to loud /slow to fast and hard changes.

Somnecrophobia - (3:09) - instrumental - jams hard. obviously some of Jasun's Instrumental work and Death Machine ideas are being expressed here. Things that can't be done in the other aspects of his career are coming out here. It is also probably pretty nice to be able to work with different musicians (ie bass, drums) to get a different feel for different outlets.

A Fragile Mind - (11:33) - slow beginning, after the last songs' total jamming, good time change. Freds vox are right on progressive/ power metal. Great guitars, bass, drums. This song really works well. Fred holds his note great. The progression of the song is wonderful. Fred has most of the input of the lyrics thru out the album, with some input from the Tiptun's. It takes until 4:25 in this song for it to kick in, then some really great "death/black" metal vox. They aren't cookie monster vox, but spoken with lots of bass and some cool effects. then cool jams until 5:55, then some great singing vox at fast tempo. A hard song to break dowm due to the length. It is going to be a bitch for them to perform live. But I know it will definitely be one they have to perform. It is an OPUS for them. This song is obviously what they have been waiting to release on this album. I really like the quiet part from 8:05 - 8:30, then Jasun runs some riffs for a bit, at least 8 different rins until 10:30, then some more instrumental greatness, including some great bass fills and runs.

Intrinsic - (5:23) - instrumental. Some great thumping bass by Troy, Jasun shows us some keyboard skills, Mike continues his drums extravaganza with expert in time cymbals and fills. Troy does some great runs in this song on bass. Sounds kind of like a love song. Come on guys, Who are you trying to impress here? She must be hot!!!!! Great musicianship, but it seems a bit like cheesy filler.

Overall, another wonderful album. The musicianship is great as expected. The vox from Fred are great Welcome to your first release of Zero Hour. I had to adjust my EQ for the vox and bass. Maybe a little different mixing, but overall the sound was great. The mixing was great.

I just can't wait to see you guys live again!!!!
aah man i hope mine arrives tomorrow at work!!!!! i'll need some good ol ZH to keep me going through the day!!!!!
Great review bro!

I just ordered the new CD from Laser's Edge this morning. Being in Turkey, it should take at least 10 business days to arrive, but what the hell. This disc has officially been my "most anticipated album of 2005" and another 10 days should go by fast enough.

I look forward to hearing the new singer and their new songs. I love this band. They're unique in the truest sense of the word.
Thanks so much to 97reb for posting a killer review on the new disc. I'm so STOKED to hear you're digging it and we really appreciate you picking it up. I can't thank all others on here enough for purchasing the new disc and I hope you all dig what you hear as well. We are looking so forward to playing out again and I hope we get hangout out with everyone on this board and have fews beers.


ugh anticipation is kill me :(

I want my CD to arrive tomorrow!!! :) Frist class mail from NJ should arrive in NYC in 2 days?! I hope so!! :) I want it before the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)
Has anyone read the Spastic Ink board recently? There's this thread about Spiral Architect there and ZH was mentioned in it as well. The general consensus, however, was that ZH isn't a technical band, but just painted that way by their fanbase and record label.

What a bunch of idiots. For them, everything probably has to be as meaninglessly over-the-top as Spastic Ink, with never-ending finger exercising on the neck of the guitar and no room for songwriting.

Blah. Screw it.
Yes a few people seem to be gettimg out of sorts around this one, it has happened on the ppm borad as well. From a personal view point I just think people are over reacting around this one I really do not care wnet genre the music is called what I care deeply about is the music and for me Zero hour delivers high on this one
Brothas Batmura and Spatch,

Yeah I noticed the one on the PMX board and I didn't know there was something on the Spastic Ink board.

We know that Zero Hour isn't everyones cup of tea and they'll have their own opinions of what style we play. All I want to say to you guys and our friends and fans that we appreciate all your support. YOU GUYS RULE and if we didn't have supporters like you kats we would be nothing.

All the best and thanks to everyone who picked up "A Fragile Mind".

I liked the album, it is very very good really. Compared to The Towers of Avarice, it is a little more straightforward but still good. I should give the cd a few more spins to have a better opinion.
Ok HOPEFULLY today, FRIDAY, will be the day I get to rip open the LaserCD box, tear off the shrinkwrap, and let my ears take in the wonder of a Fragile Mind!!!!!!!

Thanks Sava brotha for checking out the disc man. Appreciate the support very much and glad you're digging the CD and hope you continue to enjoy it.

ProgMetalfan thanks for ordering brotha and hope you dig it.

Ytse00 I hope you get it today from Laser or I will hunt down Ken of Sensory and say what the hell (wink)

Thank so much guys for the support.

Just got word from my office manager that no mail arrived :( I see on the lasercd site that it was shipped 9/20... so should 1st class mail from NJ to NYC take this long?? I'll just ask Ken if it was indeed shipped on 9/20 in hopes that that will curtail my worries.

Eh anyways, makes me listen to Metamorphosis that much more ;)

Hopefully MONDAY!!!!
I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The pounding double bass, the technical riffage, the amazing guitar/bass runs that astound my mind, the insanely cool impressive vocal stylings of the new singer...are all the perfect cure for my work day stress!!!

Here I am bobbing my head to some killer new ZERO HOUR in my midtown-Manhattan office cubicle!!! My co-workers think I'm nuts... I think I'm merely rocking out to THE one disc I have been longing for for quite awhile now!!!!!

ZH RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you guys just need to come to NYC on Nov 3rd ;) That way you can be the surprise opening band on the already incredible bill of Opeth, Nevermore, and Into Eternity that's playing in NYC that night.

At any rate, I can't wait to see you guys play sometime in the next year!!
Right on brotha and so STOKED you finally got the CD!!!!

Thanks so much for the continued support brotha, YOU RULE!!!

We would love to be on that tour and we are good friends with INto Eternity, excellent band and great guys. Not to mention Nevermore and Opeth rule as well.

Many thank you's again Ytse00 for all the support.

I heard the sampler song in the ZH site and it ROCKS!!! Is mailing the LaserCD the only way to purchase the ZH albums??
Thanks for checking out the clip Voivod.

You can also get it from CD Universe, Tower Records online or retail chains, CDNOW, AMAZON, Ect. www.lasercd.com is the label and they always have it in stock.

Thanks so much man, YOU RULE!!!
