You all suck...

The Grimace

New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2004
North of the Valley, South of the Hills
But you'll stop sucking if you quickly post for me lots of fast, dense, ultra-minimalist Hvis Lyset Tar Oss style BM bands/albums. Preferably ones with 10+ minute songs and cool background keyboards that aren't crap. And also give me some decent BM bands with sick Varg-worship scream vocals, the bloodier and phlegmy-er the better.

And 'Orke' from Nargaroth is awesome. Just wanted to throw that in, since I'm listening to it right now, so post your Nargaroth worship also if you'd like.

:worship: Det Lys Aldri I Livet Orke :worship:
Somberlain said:
For something with tortured vocals, try Mortifera- Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera.


Also, check out Noktu's other bands, Alcest and Peste Noire. But don't check out Celestia.

Actualy, the new Drudkh reminds me of Burzum quite a bit. More so than the previous albums.
Nyktalgia "Nyktalgia"
Abyssic Hate "Suicidal Emotions"
Silencer "Death - Pierce Me"
Helheim "Jormundgand" (I will take any opportunity to plug this album and the vocals are quite insane)

Then there's always Shining and Forgotten Tomb, but I've really lost interest in both.
you could always try early Graveland

and like Erik, I'll say Helheim as well, though I prefer the awesome Av Norron Aett over Jormundgand. Their demo is also quite excellent.