you fucking TOOL!

some dude said:
I was so blown away by 'Wings pt 1 & 2' that I just had to see if anyone else was having the same experience. I am glad to see I'm not alone. Ever since 'jimmy' I've always wondered what the hell happened to Maynard at age 11 that was so traumatic that he felt like he needed to reconcile with his 11 year-old self. I sort of always figured it was about his mom based on the 'face of your own stability' and '11 she was gone' lines, but I never knew for sure. I must admit that with 'Wings pt. 1 & 2', that it didn't click with me on the first two passes through, mainly because I was busy trying to take in everythying, not just lyrics, but by the third time around the song hit me so hard both lyrically & musically that I couldn't handle it. I thought I was either gonna cry or throw up. I really wasn't prepared for the emotional left-hook. Once I knew what was going on in the song, my mind flashed straight back to 'Judith' and then to 'Jimmy' and it all made sense. In a strange way I kind of feel guilty, like Maynard has said too much. He's really laid a huge part of himself out there personally and emotionally with this one. Listening to the song, I feel like I've just accidentally walked in on someone who's totally naked. But at the same time, I realize that Tool's continual ability to pack this much substance into their music is also why most of us became Tool fans in the first place....
This is... wow. I can't even put into words what this is doing to me right now. This is why Tool are my favorite band, they do shit to me that other music simply cannot. I mean it doesn't even make sense, I feel as if they are a close loved one, and it's just some band. Amazing. Gaymazing even.
NADatar said:
This is... wow. I can't even put into words what this is doing to me right now. This is why Tool are my favorite band, they do shit to me that other music simply cannot. I mean it doesn't even make sense, I feel as if they are a close loved one, and it's just some band. Amazing. Gaymazing even.

See. I concur.
I always laughed at one of the band's biggest jokes, the whole lachrymology thing. Yet tonight marks the third time I've ever cried to music, as Wings of Marie just completely came into focus. This is powerful stuff.

That is all.
Would you bake him a cake? Because I'd totally bake Maynard a cake. From scratch even.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention this album totally makes up for Blood Inside.
Finally got the 3D shitz to work! :kickass:

Right now this whole package sits on about an 8/10 rating, but it's likely to grow. I'm really glad about this album, but I knew I would be. Now to let it digest a bit and see if the whole thing gets on the same level as Vicarious and Wings for Marie. Me = :)
Been wandering on the net for reactions : Tool is still one of the most hyped band on the planet.

8/10 for this album btw (Vicarious , Jambi and The Pot are the reasons why I don't rate it higher. They're good tunes though)

This makes my top 3 with Drudkh and Kayo Dot.

Tool lyrics are definitely good yeah but I'm not so moved my them (some exceptions though)

This, however :

"these eyes, did I die behind these
cold blue eyes? Did I know
where to go?
This light, eclipsed in a worn disguise
did glow even though my cries were
driven by
those echoed lies No where to roam
Open my eyes, enlightened
the child that
whispered bardo omnio

Let me belong, eat my raw,
stick me empty with
your hungry claws-bring me light
can you feel the tension burning?
The soundtrack of our lives,
on an early April morning,
may be able to re-define
the standards of this restless emptiness...

Carved out of velvet, draped in truth
-to reach omnio
Let me be strong, let me
draw all the lines
that fall upon the floor-bring me life
let me feel electric tension
I am greater, taller and a thousand times
From a ghost that told you where to go
to a piece of flesh that need to know
And as I turned my fragile skin
-I reached omnio

I have gathered bricks throughout a
to build a house where I will live
The door is where I write these words
-the window where I forgive
Restlessly I searched the hallway
for the truth of yesterday
But changes cast their ugly shadows
-the basement is there host today

is this the omnio
I have been searching for?"
Reign in Acai said:
This album is good, but the praise is going a tad overboard don't you all think? Everyone is acting as if this album will change the face of music. :loco:
I bought this yesterday at Target. Everyone's drool convinced me to give it a try. And while there's alot to admire, alot of it is just stacatto pummelling that adds nothing to the overall track. I like it, but c'mon guys, haven't you all learned not to vault a CD into THE BEST CD OF ALL TYME the first time you listen to it?:lol::goggly:

Reign and I are going to Mi Mexico for some chicken enchiladas this afternoon and compare notes on you fanbois :cool:
I bet my ass that you will like it better than Lateralus. Lateralus somehow lacked of melodic developement and I'm still not fan of the production , far too polished but it has its own charms. (Lateralus to Triad is amazing)
lizard said:
Reign and I are going to Mi Mexico for some chicken enchiladas this afternoon and compare notes on you fanbois :cool:

That enchilada pic you posted in the mojado's con cocaina thread didn't look to appetizing there hombre. I get my enchi's from a place called "Los Tacos" in West Hollyweird. Portions bigger than Salma's left tittay. Comes in a big tin pan con frijoles y arose. It's not authentic, if the person making it has work documents.
yeah, all this Tool hype is already making me hate this cd ala NAD's hate for Primordial. Tool is just one of those bands that can release a total poop album and be praised for it. wait, they already did, and its called Lateralus! :loco:

That being said, Aenima is the only CD I can listen to. And last time I listened to it, I was only listening to Pushit, Stinkfist, 46&2, and Eulogy.
The hype had an impact on my first appreciation too. Truth be told :erk:

Just let the hype dies and see how it turns..

Just bought it btw , the packaging is nothing AMAZING but cool. If there has been a jewelcase I would have bought it. JEWelcase > most shittypacks.
heh i didnt even know tool released a new album. the last one was boring enough and i can only take so much pretentiousness before i move on.
tool = :zzz:
havent you been reading the forum lately. it's nigh impossible to escape the tool talk

i dont really think they're pretentious (like Radiohead), they just have morons for fans (like Radiohead).