You guys heard about this bus attack?

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Yeah, what a fucked up individual... Totally fucked. & what a bus full of careless assholes. If there were that many people on the bus a few of them could have jumped in to help the guy. The guy who got killed was tiny anyways, meaning the attacker probably wasn't very big & a pussy anyways.
GTA and Manhunt are to blame.

Yes exactly. Why the hell did they just leave that poor kid on there to die? Those fuckers get the massive truck of fail award for that one.


For one thing, half of them probably had headphones on either watching the in-transit movie or music, and I doubt anyone had a weapon or were willing to stop somebody who had one.
okay, but they noticed he was getting shanked, right?
when you're on a bus, it's hard to move around, and the guy only had a knife. They could have thrown some heavy bags at him, knocked him down, and kicked his ass.
Seriously. I'm an asshole, and that's what I would have done. What ever happened to decent fucking human beings who don't leave people to be butchered and mutilated?

Shitily. Is that even a real word? If not, it should be.
It is now.

ban existance then there will be no more suffering or stupidity.
Well, that's what this guy was trying to do. Just taking it one step at a time.

Seriously. I'm an asshole, and that's what I would have done. What ever happened to decent fucking human beings who don't leave people to be butchered and mutilated?


lol you have no idea how you would react in that type of situation. Most likely you'd have done what everyone else was doing.
No one ran past the fucker. He ordered everyone off the bus and they all walked off quietly and probably towards the emergency exits rather than through the main entrance which required them to pass the guy.

Also, you can't really throw suitcases on a greyhound bus considering ALL LUGGAGE IS STORED UNDER THE BUS TO MAXIMIZE SPACE FOR ALL PASSENGERS SO THEY CAN BE COMFORTABLE
Nobody here would attempt to save a guy they don't know who had already been stabbed several times. The passengers did the smart thing by getting away from the psychopath with the knife, otherwise we'd be talking about 3 or 4 dead and wounded instead.

edit: Ozzman to the rescue with an intelligent comment.
Nobody here would attempt to save a guy they don't know who had already been stabbed several times. The passengers did the smart thing by getting away from the psychopath with the knife, otherwise we'd be talking about 3 or 4 dead and wounded instead.

edit: Ozzman to the rescue with an intelligent comment.

Flight 93 :)(i hope that's the right plane)
Also, you can't really throw suitcases on a greyhound bus considering ALL LUGGAGE IS STORED UNDER THE BUS TO MAXIMIZE SPACE FOR ALL PASSENGERS SO THEY CAN BE COMFORTABLE

overhead luggage?
nonsense! such things do not exist!
You can only take a small bag... it's not a 747, here.

Also, have you ever tried to get an overhead bag down from the compartment? You would be stabbed 10 times before you got it to throw it.

Not to mention "Dur, I think I'll throw my bag at the psychopath!" is probably not the first thing you think about when a man is being decapitated.
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