You know you're an In Flames nerd when...

Yes. I'm talking about his drastic appearance and technique change in the middle of the Reroute era. If you look on Youtube comments of old In Flames videos before reroute, there are so many fucking people saying "Where is Anders?" Cloud Connected's video is kind of obvious that it's him though.

Ok, thought so. I think the beard is what really made him look different.
Yes. I'm talking about his drastic appearance and technique change in the middle of the Reroute era. If you look on Youtube comments of old In Flames videos before reroute, there are so many fucking people saying "Where is Anders?" Cloud Connected's video is kind of obvious that it's him though.

Yeah, it's pretty crazy when you look at the video for Only for the Weak and see him now. He was such an innocent, nerdy Swede back then...
They all look like fucking nerds in the OFTW video :D it's pretty basic and raw... probably why I like it. It's just them being themselves.
I've heard through a well placed 'source' that a music video was shot for Bottled... it consisted of various shots of the band members taking a shit.

Best for everyone that it wasn't released, eh? :D
Nah, Anders wasn't shiting, he was recording vocals for ASOP.

Btw DE4life, you have a very manly avatar. :D
Thanks, it's mainly for the gf and Krofius though, A88, so don't get any ideas :D

Ha, maybe that's how ASOP conception came about. "Hey guys, remember that Bottled video we did where you were all taking a shit and I was doing these really crappy vocals... well..."
I knew you had a "thing" for Krofius...or was it other way around. ;)

I watched ASOP studio diaries today. Other then Jespers miserable face and poor l'anglais I noticed one more thing. At one point Daniel (Bergstrand) said: "We tried some new voices, I'm sure people will love it!". Yeah we do! Also, Anders said: "My voice is too powerful...". :D They do have a sense of humor if not a sense of purpose.
Oh, yeah. I wanted to ask the same thing. C'mon DE4life, your b-friend surely know! :)
He won't talk to me since (the day it all came down - Insomnium rules) I touched St.In Flames. :D
Haha, or when you meet Anders and the first thing he says to you is "I saw you down the front, singing every word man, EVERY WORD!" and the first thing you stammer is "... can I give you a hug?"

Genuinely couldn't believe I was the only one jumping when i watched that video :P.
Speaking of the ASOP diaries, whatever happened to that 16th song for which we heard some vocals but nothing more?
No idea. Actually they recorded 17 songs for the ASOP session. The 12 songs on the album, 3 songs on the EP (not counting The Mirror's Truth of course) then the mysterious 16th song (which Jesper said was a cover of some female singer but unknown who it is) and the last 17th song was New Beginnings, the acoustic thing Björn wrote for charity.

I have no idea about that 16th song, there has not been anything said about it, but I really hope it will be released. Maybe in an future ''Unreleased tracks'' CD or something.

You know you're an In Flames nerd when you basically know all the lyrics for ALL of their songs.