listen to this awesome cover my band did for in flames!!!!

its good to see that some can take a joke, others are just pissed off cause its in flames...if that st anger one was in flames imitating anders's new screachy vocals half these people would be just as pissed off
Black Tears said:
its good to see that some can take a joke, others are just pissed off cause its in flames...if that st anger one was in flames imitating anders's new screachy vocals half these people would be just as pissed off
NO... you can guys just can't get it, do you? let me rephrase... It is not offensive, it doesn't hurt me to hear this... My beef with this is, it is not thoughtful, it is NOT a good joke. I agree that the best part was Anders imitation though. Again I am not pissed, mad or anything, but from my perspective only retards insist that this is a quality joke, get over it, it is not funny, it didn't attract the reaction you expected...
and plus I am a bigtime Metallica fan and like St. Anger for what it is, therefore your point that I can take a joke about Metallica, but not In Flames is also irrelevant...
Cloud Connected kicks ass.

Of course, when I realized that that was In Flames, I was mad, but the catchiness of the song won me over anyway.
Black Tears said:
you guys need an insult other than "retard" it doesn't exactly make you sound too mature and inteligent
Well that's so nice of you... How about the word moron?

And maybe you should try to learn to type the word intelligent right. Moron...