You Motw guys should know...

it's everything you'd ever want from a Kevin Moore project.

definately not a technical wank fest.

very dark, atmospheric, TONS of electronics, loops and samples, great lyrics.

very haunting.

Portnoy overplays a little bit at points IMO, doing like double pedal stuff when it's absolutely unneccessary, but it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the CD.

Malone never overplays IMO, and his playing here is very minimal and cool.

It's kinda like A Pleasant Shade of Gray meets Chroma Key.

I think it's my favorite release of the year so far.

if you want I can probably shoot you over mp3z later tonight.
that makes me drool. i was sad when i found out that the dude from pain of salvation wasn't going to be involved as originally was planned because i really like him alot but if it is more in the style of chroma key or pleasant shade then i will be happy.

i just think kevin moore is a genius. i loved him in dream theater(Space Dye Vest-hello? amazing!) as wank as he got there and i LOVE chroma key, probably even more than DT.

i have been looking forward to this release but have not had money to afford it. :(
yeah I was pissed kinda too, because I love Daniel..but after hearing it..I think that his vocals do not fit this project at all.

he's way too dramatic, Kevin Moore fits perfectly, he reminds me alot of Peter Gabriel vocally.

Steve Wilson from Porcupine Tree does a song too and sounds incredible.

and it is a fact that "Space Dye Vest" is the best DT ever by far.

by the way, he's working on a new Chrom Key and he said it will include alot more live instruments and sound more organic, so that I look forward too as well.

Seriously though you can hit me up for mp3s, or send me your addy on a PM and I'll burn the shiznit and send it.
No offense to anyone and I don't mean to lecture but calling Opeth music "incoherent" or similar is the same as dismissing motW music for being "contrived" and "pretentious". It's easy to see where the labels are coming from but really the terms don't do either band any justice. There's no basic-level appreciation going on there; and if the listener hasn't appreciated a band and has even misunderstood a band should he criticize? I don't think so. That's my philosophy anyway. kthnxbye.
well, i disagree, because "contrived" and "pretentious" aren't very concrete criticisms. but "incoherent", as in the various parts of their songs not forming a coherent whole but existing as discrete segments, is much less subjective.

but i like the opeth i've heard. i just agree that it can be literally incoherent.
my only gripe with opeth would be perhaps being musically long winded.

It's like there is a cool riff, but there's no need to play it for 4 minutes.

Alot of the times it seems like they are playing with the sole intention of bringing the song to the 10 minute mark.
"incoherent" at the same time is all subjective. It's the same as saying "this doesn't make sense to me".

point to a moment in opeth music. explain why you think it's "literally" incoherent. btw, I hear the same crap about motW music too -- when some people say it's "contrived" for instance, they are saying "the flutes are incoherent, it's just a big mess".
azal said:
my only gripe with opeth would be perhaps being musically long winded.

It's like there is a cool riff, but there's no need to play it for 4 minutes.

Alot of the times it seems like they are playing with the sole intention of bringing the song to the 10 minute mark.
I hope I don't come off as a fanboy, since I often tire of Opeth music myself. But I had that same gripe, but I also think the iteration in the music is intentional, and has an intelligent effect about it.
incoherent is only subjective to the extent that almost everything is on one level. it's not even close to "contrived" or "pretentious" in terms of subjectivity.

i think toby has a freakin' thesis on opethian incoherency, so i'll let him point out that shit if he feels the need.

and i agree that you could make a similar argument about MOTW, and i would have to leave it up to the music wizards to point out why this is not so. but my point is that opeth's incoherency is far more of a valid criticism than motW's pretentiousness.
see, I would respond, but I realize I tire of opeth apologia too. I'll leave this discussion for other fans.
well, NOT TO DEFEND OPETH per se, but i think repetition without flux can definitely create a mood or make a musical, artistic point in a song. it can also be really overdone, and there's a degree to which it's subjective ("that's a little too much!" "no way, just enough!"), and then there's objectively way fucking overdoing it. and if i knew more opeth than an album's worth of mp3s i would tell you which of those opeth appears to be.
I mainly dislike how every single Opeth song starts off with a 4/3 feel. The coherency issue is whatever, after I listened to Morningrise several times and began to expect what part came next, the songs sounded less like a bunch of riffs strung together.

And I think their parts as separate parts can be pretty awesome, just usually there is no common characteristic across parts to make them relate to the other parts in the song, which adds to that 'interchangable' sound.

That is all.
I think that if you listen to all of Opeth's albums chronologically you can definitely hear a progression towards making more coherent songs. Somewhere around My Arms, Your Hearse they started making songs that flowed from one section to the next much more clearly, instead of the very segmented feeling of a good portion of the first two albums. I still like both those albums for what they are though.
my opinion: opeth is a very good band, the guys are masters of riff writing, the music is very emotive but I think they're doing everytime the same album...I still like them but you know...when they're about to release a new stuff you already know what you are going to listen's their style? ok, it is, but like Toby said I think they have a potencial to record a fucking killer album...maybe they need to change their composition method (now Mikael writes all the stuff and the lyrics are done in a hurry when they're in studio...), maybe if they start to write music like they did in the past (together with Peter), they can...(later i'll finish my i'll sleep...i hope you got what i'm trying to say...)
Baliset said:
but thanks for the offer azal! and the info. now i am looking forward to this immesely. the last cd i bought was Threshold back in December.


and if you don't like it, I'll totally let you kick me in the penis at that Mass Metal Fest.