Your 1 absolute favourite metal record of all time


Dec 16, 2002
I've always had 4 or 5 faves, but Slayer's Reign in Blood is my number 1 fave metal record of all time. Absolute classic record that never lets up, killer riff after killer riff, Araya's vocals are superb, Lombardo is Lombardo, amazing record sleeve, and a (hands-on) Rick Rubin production that perfectly captures its time and is brilliantly atmospheric and pulls together the eery atmosphere the record creates.

A lot of people say this record is very over-rated. I understand this claim. At the same time I think those people don't really understand why so many of us hold this record in such esteem. There's something about the way each so many of the tracks segue into each other (eg Altar of Sacrifice -> Jesus Saves, Postmortem -> Raining Blood etc), and something about the way Slayer simply had no idea at the time what they were creating. After their first 2 records which were solid enough, RIB is just in a completely different world in terms of how good it is. As much as I love South of Heaven and Seasons.... RIB is by far the one Slayer record that gets me totally excited to listen to 25 years on in its entirety.

Anyway..... enough from me. What's you guys' absolute fave metal record of all time, and why???? And don't cheat and list off half a dozen!!!
I've always had 4 or 5 faves, but Slayer's Reign in Blood is my number 1 fave metal record of all time. Absolute classic record that never lets up, killer riff after killer riff, Araya's vocals are superb, Lombardo is Lombardo, amazing record sleeve, and a (hands-on) Rick Rubin production that perfectly captures its time and is brilliantly atmospheric and pulls together the eery atmosphere the record creates.

A lot of people say this record is very over-rated. I understand this claim. At the same time I think those people don't really understand why so many of us hold this record in such esteem. There's something about the way each so many of the tracks segue into each other (eg Altar of Sacrifice -> Jesus Saves, Postmortem -> Raining Blood etc), and something about the way Slayer simply had no idea at the time what they were creating. After their first 2 records which were solid enough, RIB is just in a completely different world in terms of how good it is. As much as I love South of Heaven and Seasons.... RIB is by far the one Slayer record that gets me totally excited to listen to 25 years on in its entirety.

Anyway..... enough from me. What's you guys' absolute fave metal record of all time, and why???? And don't cheat and list off half a dozen!!!

I don't know who could say Reign In Blood is over rated. That is a record that had a sound that almost every extreme metal band wished they sounded like. I would definetely put Reign In Blood in my top 5 for sure. Anyone that claims to like speed/thrash metal yet doesn't like Reign in Blood is fucked in the head.

My favorite metal album of all time would probably be either Reign in Blood or Seasons In the Abyss. Too difficult to pick. Iron Maiden Number of The Beast is right up there for me as well. Sorry it wasn't just 1 album, that is a tough one for sure.
I don't know who could say Reign In Blood is over rated. That is a record that had a sound that almost every extreme metal band wished they sounded like. I would definetely put Reign In Blood in my top 5 for sure. Anyone that claims to like speed/thrash metal yet doesn't like Reign in Blood is fucked in the head.

My favorite metal album of all time would probably be either Reign in Blood or Seasons In the Abyss. Too difficult to pick. Iron Maiden Number of The Beast is right up there for me as well. Sorry it wasn't just 1 album, that is a tough one for sure.

Guess I'm 'fucked in the head', but I can live with that.
I'll take seasons over reign in blood.

Rust in peace made me really wood shed when I was younger. Far Beyond driven is up there. And of course SOWN which is my fave anthrax disc.
SOWN isn't metal now? That's so silly it's almost funny.

Mine is probably Piece of Mind. Or Powerslave. Or maybe Seventh Son? I'm not sure, but I'm sure it's a Maiden album (and one Janic Gers (or Blaze Bayley) isn't on).
The Number Of The Beast. It was this song and this record that brought me into Metal about 26 Years ago and I could listen to it every day eversince without getting bored. It's closely followed by Among The Living, both will always have a special meaning to me, but the one absolute favourite must be TNOTB.
He said Metal...

It IS metal. You not liking the album (or some others continuous bashing of the record and that era) doesn't change its genre one bit...Opinions, people...We all have em, yours is no better than mine or the next person's so get over yourself please...Thanks...

Anyways, my personal favorite is Annihilator's Schizo Deluxe (or maybe I should change it because of what other people think, right???). For me, the album grabbed me in a time where I was searching for what I believed to be the perfect metal band. In Schizo Deluxe, I found it with the right combination of technical guitar work, melodic moments, the perfect mix of rough/melodic vocals, insane drumming, etc... For me, that record is rivalled by others but is never truly surpassed in my humble opinion...
This is a tough one, but since this is a 'Thrax board I will go with the album that started it all for me. Spreading the Disease by our own Anthrax. This is what got me into metal (real metal).
I would probably change my mind about it every now and then. Right now I'm in the mood to pick THEM by King Diamond.
It IS metal. You not liking the album (or some others continuous bashing of the record and that era) doesn't change its genre one bit...Opinions, people...We all have em, yours is no better than mine or the next person's so get over yourself please...Thanks...


I actually like a lot of the songs on SOWN (The only Bush era record I can listen to) though I don't consider that a metal album. It is more hard rock if anything. I don't think the guys in Anthrax would be offended if you called SOWN a hard rock/ heavy rock album. Doesn't mean you are bashing it, but the title of this thread was best Metal album of all time.
that is damn tough,overall i would have to say mine is far beyond driven- pantera,it was my intro to pantera,i bought it after hearing it went number 1 on the music charts and thinking i may as well give it a go,that record rips people heads off,its so abrasive and aggresive and took me a while to digest but once it did it lead me into this beast called pantera,cfh was 2nd pantera album i heard and i was blown away at how good it was hence getting vulgar after that.

it was a big thing for me becuase i hadnt heard anything this destructive and groovy b4,def set the benchmark for the new gen of metal fans,anthrax has always been my fave band but when pantera came out i probably have them as equal faves.
that is damn tough,overall i would have to say mine is far beyond driven- pantera,it was my intro to pantera,i bought it after hearing it went number 1 on the music charts and thinking i may as well give it a go,that record rips people heads off,its so abrasive and aggresive and took me a while to digest but once it did it lead me into this beast called pantera,cfh was 2nd pantera album i heard and i was blown away at how good it was hence getting vulgar after that.

it was a big thing for me becuase i hadnt heard anything this destructive and groovy b4,def set the benchmark for the new gen of metal fans,anthrax has always been my fave band but when pantera came out i probably have them as equal faves.

Far Beyond Driven is a bad ass record for sure! I love The Great Southern Trendkill and Reinventing the Steel as well. Vulgar was a bit too meathead metal for me. All the football players in high school would listen to it thinking they were tough. To me is the most overrated Pantera album by far. When Walk, This Love or Fucking Hostile comes on i want to vomit. But I do love the Far Beyond Driven album its definitely all around a great album and showed that Pantera was more than just a meat head metal band, they were legit!
Far Beyond Driven is a bad ass record for sure! I love The Great Southern Trendkill and Reinventing the Steel as well. Vulgar was a bit too meathead metal for me. All the football players in high school would listen to it thinking they were tough. To me is the most overrated Pantera album by far. When Walk, This Love or Fucking Hostile comes on i want to vomit. But I do love the Far Beyond Driven album its definitely all around a great album and showed that Pantera was more than just a meat head metal band, they were legit!

vulgar took me the longest to get into but once i did it ranks pretty high as well,love tgstk and steel as well.