Your 3 albums of the last decade!


TODAY I would say:

Comeback kid - wake the dead
Deftones - white poney
Terror - one with the underdogs

BUT: :danceboy:

this albums are fighting with:

Set your goals - munity
blink 182 - take of your pans and jacket
KSE - the end of heartache
The hope conspiracy - endnote
Parkway drive - killing with a smile
Madball - legacy
Misery signals - mirrors
Thrice - Vheissu
throwdown - haymaker
Bury your dead - cover your tracks
The black dahlia murder - unhallowed
coldplay - a rush of blood to the head
converge - no heroes
the cure - the cure
darkest hour - hidden hands of a sadist nation
a day to remember - for those who have heart
dredg - catch without arms
city and colour - bring me your love

and 10 000more :)
Hmmm - this is tough. 3 albums from a whole decade of music. I really have to think about what had a true impact on me in more than just a few weeks, months, hours in some cases. I can think of artists that had a great influence on me - that made me rethink what I like in music, but 3 albums. Hmmm.

In some ways I agree with Felix about "Brave New World" by Iron Maiden in 2000 - it was such a great return to form. With Bruce and Adrian back in the fold they just sounded awesome. I waited for months for that disc to get released and once it did, it did not leave the CD player in my car for probably 2 months. They sounded young again, invigorated, and boy did it show when I went to see them that summer in Hartford at the Meadows Music Center. It's also memorable as it's the first concert I took my stepson to - he is now a huge Maiden fan.

So that's probably one that was a favorite for the decade as it has a lot of sentimental value to me.

Number two - probably "Celestial Entrance" by Pagan's Mind in 2002. Once again another disc I was eagery awaiting after hearing their first disc "Infinity Divine" - they were quite frankly, to me at least, the perfect embodiment of Progressive Metal. Jorn Viggo Lofstad is so original in his playing on this disc, and Nils K Rue is such a great singer. Song's such as "Through Osiris's Eyes" and "Entrance:Stargate" - this disc just got better and better with every spin. The lyrical content was so good in that sci-fi vibe sort of way. this would most definately be in my "Stuck on a desert island" list.

Last but not least I have to go back to my musical "re-discovery" of 2009 and Richie Kotzen's "Into the Black" album from 2006. While I never listened to it until early 2009, it was one that turned me on to his music since the old days of shred. When I heard that first track "You Can't Save Me" from that disc, I was hooked. He had come so far as a musician and songwriter - he was no longer just the shred head he used to be - he was also not just the guy that was in Poison for a few forgettable albums or Paul Gilbert's replacement in Mr. Big. While it is very un-metal, this disc spoke to me on many levels. He plays all the instruments on his albums - not just programming drums or bass, but plays them. He knows how to write a catchy hook, he should be much more famous than the cult following he enjoys. He has voice much like Chris Cornell, but more powerful and soulful in my opinion. Since hearing this disc, I have purchased his entire back catalog of discs - all 19 or so with his solo en devours, group albums such as Mother Heads Family Reunion and Forty Duece, his combined efforts with Greg Howe on Tilt and Project, and his "Bootlegged In Brazil" live DVD. What can I say - this man speaks to me, not just with his guitar playing but with his ability to write great songs that should be so popular it is beyond belief why he is not (well he does have a habit of dropping the "F" bomb in some of his best songs quite a few times) but aside from that - he should be up there with the most popular artists today.

I have to say - I'd have to take two of his albums with me to that desert island - "Into the Black" which introduced me to his new music, and his most recent "Peace sign" which I can't stop listening to daily - multiple times.

Ok - those are my favs. I liek them so thats all that matters - Rock On :rock::kickass:
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1. Killswitch Engage-Alive Or Just Breathing

2. The Acacia Strain-The Dead Walk

3. Soilwork-Natural Born Chaos

Funny that Shinedown was mentioned earlier. Not bc I think its a lame choice, just a bit of irony.
Hmmm - this is tough. 3 albums from a whole decade of music. I really have to think about what had a true impact on me in more than just a few weeks, months, hours in some cases. I can think of artists that had a great influence on me - that made me rethink what I like in music, but 3 albums. Hmmm.

In some ways I agree with Felix about "Brave New World" by Iron Maiden in 2000 - it was such a great return to form. With Bruce and Adrian back in the fold they just sounded awesome. I waited for months for that disc to get released and once it did, it did not leave the CD player in my car for probably 2 months. They sounded young again, invigorated, and boy did it show when I went to see them that summer in Hartford at the Meadows Music Center. It's also memorable as it's the first concert I took my stepson to - he is now a huge Maiden fan.

The Faceless - Planetary Duality (!!)
Opeth - Watershed
Katatonia - Night is the New Day
Job for a Cowboy - Genesis and Behemoth - Demigod are two albums I've listned ridiculously much aswell.
Sunn O))) - Monoliths and Dimensions
Converge - Jane Doe
Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue

but there's so many albums I'd say are up there with these. These 3 just stick out for me as being significant milestones in changing my perception of music is, what it can be and what it could be.
Brave new world is actually the first metal album I heard, but I haven't listen to it since a couple of years so I wouldn't include it in my top 3. I'd say:

Opeth- Blackwater Park. One of the first metal abums I got too, and it changed my perspective of music/songwriting. The first song I heard from them' the titletrack, is also the first progressive song I,ve heard and is still my favorite song from them. This album hugely influenced my songwriting and is probably the main reason why I tend to compose long songs.

Katatonia - Night is the new day.The songs are incredible, to me this album is TGCD on steroids. More layers, better vocals, better arrangement, just the production is not better than TGCD but still amazing.

Swallow the sun - Hope. Introduced me to doom music. The songs on this album are so epic and full of image, when you listen to a song and have the feeling of watching a movie, it means a lot. Great production too, especially the drums, really natural sounding. It also have the perfect use of keyboards, great sounds and no gay synths leads a la COB.
Behemoth - Demigod { Silly as it sounds this album kinda "changed" my life musically.}

Paramore - Riot { ... ha ha}

Killswitch Engage - Alive or Just Breathing {This album is so Massachusetts}

This thread kinda makes me lol cause I didn't even listen to music until prolly 03. Hhahah
This thread kinda makes me lol cause I didn't even listen to music until prolly 03. Hhahah

Damn I'm feeling old, but then again I'm old enough to be some of yours father. A young father, but old enough none the less. Hell I went to my first concert - Black Sabbath on the "Mob Rules" tour with a band called Wrabit (a Canadian band if I recall) opening back in 1982 at the New Haven Memorial Colosseum (which has been torn down since.) My second concert ever was Rainbow with the Scorpions and Riot, then my third was Judas Priest with Iron Maiden opening - all at New Haven. All that before 1985 - damnit I am old.
Damn I'm feeling old, but then again I'm old enough to be some of yours father. A young father, but old enough none the less. Hell I went to my first concert - Black Sabbath on the "Mob Rules" tour with a band called Wrabit (a Canadian band if I recall) opening back in 1982 at the New Haven Memorial Colosseum (which has been torn down since.) My second concert ever was Rainbow with the Scorpions and Riot, then my third was Judas Priest with Iron Maiden opening - all at New Haven. All that before 1985 - damnit I am old.

You may be old, but you've seen some kick ass shows. It all comes out in the wash.
Damn I'm feeling old, but then again I'm old enough to be some of yours father. A young father, but old enough none the less. Hell I went to my first concert - Black Sabbath on the "Mob Rules" tour with a band called Wrabit (a Canadian band if I recall) opening back in 1982 at the New Haven Memorial Colosseum (which has been torn down since.) My second concert ever was Rainbow with the Scorpions and Riot, then my third was Judas Priest with Iron Maiden opening - all at New Haven. All that before 1985 - damnit I am old.

I feel ya there ...My first concert was The Police in 1983 (dont laugh). My first metal show was Judas Priest with Dokken in 1985-86 and Maiden with YJM opening in 86. After was all about the metal :rock:

Back to topic my 3 are:

Arch Enemy - wages
Opeth - Deliverance
COB - Hatecrew Deathroll
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis
Meshuggah - Obzen
Emperor - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise

Runners up:
Mors Principium Est - The Unborn
Opeth - Blackwater Park
In Flames - Clayman
Evergrey - Recreation Day
Evergrey - In Search of Truth

Glad to see someone else who enjoys MPE's The Unborn as much as I do. Really overlooked, and I'm always disappointed when people pass it off as generic melodic death metal.

My personal top 3 would be :

In Flames - Clayman
[dumb]Death - The Sound of Perseverence[/dumb] (nope, 1998!)
Wintersun - Wintersun

EDIT : Cynic - Traced In Air

but then again there are so much more like Blackwater Park and Pain of Salvation's A Perfect Element and Remedy Lane.
Emperor - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise
Deicide - The Stench of Redemption (this really re-newed my interest in Deicide, what a surprise!!)
Third one is a tie Obscura - Cosmogenesis or Necrophagist - Epitaph

Extremely difficult to pick three and no doubt this list will change tomorrow :p