Your 5 favorite Metal vocalists


Sexy Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
A pub,Perth.
Cant remember if we've done this recently,but....

In no particular order:

1 - Geoff Tate
2 - Bruce Dickinson
3 - John Bush
4 - Mike Patton
5 - Blaze Bayley

It's a bloody hard question when you think about it!
Blimey... I seriously find it difficult to think of five metal vocalists that I can say are my favourites. I'll give it a go anyway.

My five favourite vocalists at the moment, in no order...

Bruce Dickinson
Alexi Laiho
Anders Friden
Rod Jackson
Ted Leonard

These will all change within the next ten minutes, though, I'm sure.

PS: I seriously need to clean my desk a bit. Flippin' shocker!
Ok seriously now......

1 - BRUCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
2 - DIO
3 - Warrel Dane
4 - OZZY
5 - Hansi Kursch

actually...... this list changes depending on what I'm listening to at the time..... It's really hard to pick......
BRUCE will always be No1 though!!!!!!
Smashed - Alexi Laiho is from Children of Bodom, Anders Friden is from In Flames, Rod Jackson is from Slash's Snakepit and Ted Leonard is from Enchant :)

Jon Schaffer
Mikael Akerfeldt
...and good ol' Tarja

Someone say Lord Tim too so he doesn't feel bad :D
Bruce Dickinson
Matthew Barlow
Sebastian Bach
Ronnie James Dio
Hansi Kurch
Warrel Dane
Yeah i know, i cant count :)

Kem, did you mean Matt when you said jon schaffer?

Of course, Lord Tim, Aces, and Moony are all good too :)

Originally posted by Spiff
Lord Timmy goes without saying, of course!

Aww, thanx guys! :D

OK, my fav's...

Geoff Tate (back when he could sing)
Michael Kiske
Bruce (Duh!)
Tony Martin
Rob Tyrant (the Labiarynth guy)
Don Dokken (also way back when)
and maybe Dio...

I'm sure I've missed some awesome people out (Did someone say "Moon Child"? HAHA!)...
A hard decision, but:
Gillan (hey, Speed Kings is pretty heavy!!)
Geoff Tate
Matt Barlow
Rob Halford

Best singer ever...........................

Ian Gillan

The early Gillan will simply never be beaten..... go whack on Made In Japan, and you'll see what I mean. He is bloody amazing!!
Bruce will be the 1st to tell you that too........ maybe.... I dunno, I've never met, or asked him, so dont quote me.
Favourites. Good-o. Although I'm sure it said 5 to begin with, and now we're getting 8 or 9....

No particular order of preference..

Ronnie James Dio
Kai Hansen
Bruce Dickinson
Ozzy Osbourne
Blackie Lawless

RJD is the King. For me, he always has been. The first time I heard him was when I put on Sabbath's "Heaven And Hell". Neon Knights - absolute killer.
Matt Barlow
Dave Mustaine
James Hetfield (till black...after that he just say's "yeeaah" too much hehe...)
Bruce Dickinson
Rob Halford

shit there's tonnes more ...but there's 5 !

Of course, Lord Tim, Aces, and Moony are all good too

hehe cheers man !!
For metal:

1. Bruce
2. Matt Barlow (Iced Earth)
3. Ray Alder (Fates Warning)
4. James Hetfield (as much as I hate to say)
5. Clark Brown (Geezer)

But for Prog Metal:

1. Josh Pincus (Ice Age)
2. Russell Allen (Symphony X)
3. Daniel Gildenlow (Pain Of Salvation)
4. Ray Alder
5. Mike Baker (Shadow Gallery)
Wow Spawn you got good taste :)

Mine are:
Ronnie James Dio
Hansi Kursch
Matt Barlow
Sebastian Bach
Bruce Dickinson
Paul Stanley

I know, I can't count either hehe.