Your favorite vocalist(s) not Russell Allen

SilentRealm said:
People forget a singer doesnt necessarily have to sound like Russell Allen or Dio or whoever else to be considered good. As long as theyre brilliant at what they do.
Thats why I have trouble getting my friends to accept the fact that James LaBrie is an amazing singer. Have I still not actually done mine?
In no particular order....

-Russ (Obviously.)
-James Labrie - Dream Theater
-*Roy Khan - Kamelot
-Eduardo Falaschi - Angra, he should've been chosen to replace Bruce in Maiden when he left, instead of god damn Blaze Bailey.
-Bruce Dickenson - Iron Maiden
-Geoff Tate - Queensryche
-Rob Halford - Judas Priest
-Tobias Sammet - Edguy, Avantasia
-Arjen Luccasen - The songwriting genious who organizes Ayreon and Star One
-Hansi Kursch - Blind Guardian, Demons and Wizards
-Dio - Himself, Former Black Sabbath (Not quite sure of that story.)
-Matt Barlow - Former Iced Earth (Became 5-0)
-Freddy Mercury - Former Queen (Rest in Peace)
-Timo Kotipelto - Stratovarius, Kotipelto
cold103 said:
Yep. Mikael's my favorite growler too. I'll also say Devin Townsend is another good one. He has a different style though. It's more like screaming than growling I think.
Devin Townsend also has a pretty good clean voice. I'm always amazed at his versatility, and at Mikael's too.
Joey Tempest (on Europe's Out Of This World in particular)
Tony Harnell (TNT)
John Farnham (Aussie megastar... my dad played drums for him once when I was but a foetus)
Kelly Clarkson (no, really)
Bobby Kimball (Toto)
Mark Boals (Yngwie, Ring Of Fire)
Steve Perry (Journey)
Steve Augeri (Journey)
Harry Hess (Harem Scarem)
Tina Arena
Phil Mogg (UFO)
Jorn Lande
Tony Kakko (if I'm that sort of mood, otherwise no)
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Devin Townsend also has a pretty good clean voice. I'm always amazed at his versatility, and at Mikael's too.
I agree. I only mentioned the growling because it seemed as the topic of discussion for a moment.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I love gowling. I love death metal. I also like singing. Simple as that. Better thank Mikael's singing for getting me into progressive metal, too. So if it weren't for opeth, I wouldn't be posting on this forum!

For me, Dream Theater and Symphony X were the doorway to prog.
Dev's voice is interesting, cool when he really goes off.

I never liked James LaBrie too much until Human Equation - I feel that his efforts (what I've heard anyway) in DT are pretty passionless which is why I never got ito it. Musically theyre brilliant, but I just felt like I was waiting for something that never arrived with him. Thats just IMO though, so no flaming me for it :P

I thank Mikhael for getting me into death metal finally. It was quite a process to tell you the truth. Some forum members that have been here since before I came may remember my attitude to it at first. I absolutely hated it! But after extensive Opeth trials I managed to fall in love with first Mikhael's vocals, then the whole genre after that, and now I think I prefer death metal.
James Labrie is very good in the studio. Also he used to be breathtaking while performing live too. But i think that was before. Now his vocal style has changed. And not in a good way i think. He is so often off key nowadays. May be aging is a factor to that.

By the way, you gotta listen Devin Townsen in his collabration with Steve Vai. He absolutely kills :rock:
Hell Yeah. James LaBrie still kicks ass. Sure, his old vocal melodies were better than the newer ones, but as long as he can still sing like that live and stuff, then he stays in my top 5 favorites.

And on the subject of Devin Townsend, his voice does kick ass. I love his work with Ayreon on The Human Equation. Genious.
SilentRealm said:
I thank Mikhael for getting me into death metal finally. It was quite a process to tell you the truth. Some forum members that have been here since before I came may remember my attitude to it at first. I absolutely hated it! But after extensive Opeth trials I managed to fall in love with first Mikhael's vocals, then the whole genre after that, and now I think I prefer death metal.

About the only death metal bands I listen to are Opeth, DTB (if it counts), Meshuggah, and Arcturus (if it counts). I think what I've heard from Death is ok but not great. But just about everything else in the genre seems hard for me to enjoy because of all the screams/growls, constant double bass drum beats and blast beats, and lack of creativity. That's just what I think. What other death metal bands do ya like?
Whats DTB?

Some of what I listen to I dont know exactly what the category for it would be, like Children of Bodom for example. It has elements of thrash, death and traditional, so dont anyone flame me if they dont agree with what I consider 'death metal'.

I dont think any of the bands I will list will be considered truly that, as theyre melodic. Furthermore I might add that I fully agree with you that most death metal bands, what would probably be considered 'true' death metal style anyway - ie what you mentioned there about the growling, constant double bass drum beats etc - I think is bloody awful. Like a jackhammer to the brain.

But definately COB and Arch Enemy I am hooked on these days. Also I absolutely love Eternal Tears of Sorrow (broken up/back together? not sure what the latest news there is), and more recently I have started listening to Amorphis which I think is great, and to a lesser degree Amon Amarth is not too bad.
Ah. I actually know a lot of COB only cause my brother has them playing all the time. They have some cool guitar leads. Not familiar with any of these others though. I've read Mikael Akerfeldt has sang with Bloodbath but haven't heard anything by them yet.