Your American Idol Season 5 Thread.


Apr 21, 2003
I don't know about you, but one of my guilty pleasures is wathing those who are deluded by their own self-importance and are given into the idea that they can sing .. and then being able to watch them have their misguided hopes shattered within 20 seconds of auditioning. :headbang:

Call me evil or sadistic, but I live for that stuff!! I've been following this show going on 3 years now. I didn't watch the first two seasons and frankly thought the whole thing was a waste of time, but then I caught the third season and was hooked from day one. What fun!:hotjump:

BTW, that Ukraine chick sure had the stripper act going for her, she just couldn't sing to save her life.:erk:
We are tired of these shows in the UK by now. Popstars, Pop Idol, Popstars: The Rivals, X-Factor... dear lord it's tedious. I caught the final of American Idol the other day (yes, they screen that over here too). It was the one where Carrie Underwood won. And it was possibly the most appaling thing I ever saw.
It can be amusing sometimes...

This is Michelle McManus. She was the winner of our second series of Pop Idol. She wasn't even good.
Yes, the Ukranian chick needed a pole. Poor little girl wanted a performers Visa.

Damn eastern Euro women are hot !
haha most of the people on australian idol should just keep listening to the music without opening their mouths... most of them are so bad. and the make things worse, the winner of the last one came from my hometown so bendigo wents nuts for audtralian idol:(
didnt that guy on american idol who was so bad that ppl made a show about him commit suicide recently?? sorry if this is so vague, but I've never watched the show and only heard this from someone i know. I think thats quite sad actually, as those shows really destroy people's dreams. Meh =/
I've always wanted to go on and do some death metal singing.....just to get on TV of course, but then i realized that you had to go through other judges first.....i dont think they would let me through :(
BRI said:
Mike would win. He should go on it.
It wouldn't be fair to put a talented person on it, nor would it be fair to Mike to subject him to the horror that is television. :lol:

personally, every single programme on television in the past 3 or 4 years gets a hearty salute from my two middle fingers.
Goober said:
I've always wanted to go on and do some death metal singing.....just to get on TV of course, but then i realized that you had to go through other judges first.....i dont think they would let me through :(
there actually was a guy on on wed in denver who did some death vocals. but they didnt show much of him.
^ .. I thought he was actually pretty good. Had a great high-scream type of thing going on. Reminded me of Devin Townsend. *drools*

Oh, and YES I thought Bo was a good singer. When he did The Whipping Post I was jumping up and down on my couch. *hee hee* Fun Fun!
Effigen said:
there actually was a guy on on wed in denver who did some death vocals. but they didnt show much of him.

Well, it was more higher pitched, im talking about low stuff.