YOUR Anathema track?

My choice would be...argh...I can't decide :mad:
Perhaps something between 'J'ai fait une promesse', 'Kingdom', 'Silent Enigma', the 'Eternity' trilogy, 'Empty', 'One Last Goodbye' and 'Release'.
Allright, that's lame, I choose... 'Empty' 'cause I've a close relationship to this one :)
Mine is "Regret" or "Emotional Winter" or "Temporary Peace"

Defenitly one of these three. I also like the music of the old Anathema very much (I've known them since Serenade) but it are the last 4 albums that really touch my soul.


How can you point at one specific song?

i can't think of ONE song that i like!
i just love them all...


ofcourse that i've got the ones i REALY like...but still can't tell...

Originally posted by Spiff
One Last Goodbye - pure brilliance! :) I want it played at my funeral (not that I'll be there to appreciate it... hmm).

That's crazy you just mentioned a song to be played at your funeral. That should be an entirely seperate thread even. I was just speaking moments ago to a friend, telling him that the acoustic piece ("And the World Returned") on "Terminal Spirits Disease" by At The Gates would be played at my funeral.. actually I said that to my friends 6-7 years ago.. still would be appropriate..