Your Bass Setups ???


New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2002
Eastwood, Nottingham

Warwick FNA Jazzman 4-string
Yamaha Fretless (piece of crap)

AudioTelex Wireless system,

Trace Elliot 350watt, 12band qualizer, valve amp.
4x10 cab
1x15 cab

Thats my giging setup, i have my EQ settings with little add bass, midd taken away a bit, and a bit of high. Same with my bass settings too. Get a nice deep sound but still clarity and crispness.

Whats yours?
axe: bc rich 5 string warlock. nj series
yamaha learner, POS
amp: fender dual showman tube amp (old old amp)
cab: kustom 2x15 (old school with the sparkly padded walls)
No we don't.
I only came in here because I figured it might be DBass drum I'm kidding about that last part. :D oh how I make myself laugh.
Bass player here!

My stable:

Ibanez SR800, SR400, RB650, RB800, SR3005
Fender MIM P-Bass, MIA P-Bass, Steve Harris P-Bass

One can never have too many basses. :D

As far as amps, I just recently got rid of my head and cabinet. I just have a little 25 watts crate combo right now.

Oh yeah, I also have a Korg px3 to play around with.
Hey lend me one of those basses, eh? :p I'm gonna get some money soon, but I sincerely got no idea which to buy - a new cellphone (this one is old and not working properly), a guitar or a new bass (sell the old one + more money = get a new one)...
My current set-up

By number of strings....

Conklin GT-7 seven string

Ken Lawrence Unity 6 string
Peavey Cirrus 6 string
DP Custom 6 single-cut

Custom 5 string with Moses neck
Carvin Bunny Brunel Signature 5

Carvin B-4
Dean Performer A/E

Live: Roland DB-700 combo
Studio: Crate BX-100 ( I have yet to find an amp or set up with which I can get the fattest, ballsiest tone from when recording!!)

Very little if any effects.... Maybe a little chorus from time to time. Carvin UHF wireless for live gigs. Planet Waves straight/90 degree end cables.
Bass player here!
haha I play a fretless ibanez 5 string soundgear bass(soon to get a spector) through a Tech 21 Sans Amp RBI Preamp into a peavey 1x15 combo( im going to get a power amp and a 4 x10 cab added on soon i hope)

I'm new here.

I play through a fender 4 string (soon to be an Ibanez Soundgear 6 in a few weeks) and a peavey 1X15 combo amp. I have a Boss Bass Chorus pedal, a distortion pedal, and an old phase shifter for effects.

Fender American Standard P-bass
Arbor 4-string (trash, but kept for nostalgia)
Boss Bass Chorus
Boss Bass Overdrive
Alesis NanoCompressor
Morley Bass Wah
Crate BX100 (shitty so I haven't used it for a long time, I always bum an amp from someone :lol: )

My P-bass has served me well for over 6 years, the only other bass that I want is an Ernie Ball Sterling, but I should probably buy my own amp someday, I like SWR, Ampeg, and Trace Elliot.
my bassist in my band has an ibanez 5 string soundgear, a crate 80 watt bass amp, 2 15 inch speaker cabs. he brings the mids and treble up, and does alot of bass fills and shit, since we're doing alot of technical stuff and he wants some cool stuff to do and to cut through
I've got my bass two weeks ago :D
A Godin SD-5 ( similar to the Freeway-5 this year, but the body has a different shape )
It's the model from last year, so I got it new for only 250 $ !!!
But I'm just beginning, so I have a Delta 15 watts as my amp ( if we can call that an amp !! :p )
I recently sold most of my bass's what I had.

Fender Jazz Bass
Fender Precision Deluxe (J/P PU configuration)
Dean 5 string Fretless w/ emg active PUs

I kept the Jazz Bass and I'm planning on buying a new GK tube amp and probably a backup bass...but I haven't played bass in a while so I'm in no rush.
man... i don't know a whloe lot about my shit. Like someone else said, it sounds good to me so that's all i need to know. anyway, my bass is an ibanez 4 string (i love that bass... not really that expensive, thought i would like to pick up an ernie ball someday...) and my amp.... hmm... lemme check *runs up to room* ok, i have a hartke HA3000 head and a hartke 4x10 cab.
Originally posted by MyEyesBleed
I recently sold most of my bass's what I had.

Fender Jazz Bass
Fender Precision Deluxe (J/P PU configuration)
Dean 5 string Fretless w/ emg active PUs

I kept the Jazz Bass and I'm planning on buying a new GK tube amp and probably a backup bass...but I haven't played bass in a while so I'm in no rush.

Eek!!! Man that sucks when you have to sell your sh*t!!! Been thinking about snagging a GK system myself. Anyone else here use GK? How do you like it?