Your Bass Setups ???

Originally posted by Thornmoon
Taper core string are a MUST for accurate intonation on the low B... I have several basses both 6 and 7 strings, and I've never had a problem. Also let a professional tech do the set-up if you're not as knowledgable.

Haha, just kidding, I've only played 5 and 6-strings a few times, never long enough to set up one myself. :D If I ever go beyond 4 I'll remember that tapercore bit, thanks.
Hmm. Alrighty. I'll try playing a bass with a tuned up C..

but what are some advantages with having a four string over a five? I noticed the strings were close(r) together on the five string, and my fingers didn't like that. :p
Originally posted by Firedwarf
Hmm. Alrighty. I'll try playing a bass with a tuned up C..

but what are some advantages with having a four string over a five? I noticed the strings were close(r) together on the five string, and my fingers didn't like that. :p

Cheaper strings is one adventage of 4 to 5.... Hell, you should see the bill when I restring my 7!!! LOL!!

Soon I'll have two sevens. I'll have to take out a small loan to get strings!! LOL!! I dont know what I'll do if I end up getting the 8 string I want!!!

As far as string spacing... Not all are like that. In fact, the 5 string that I have on eBay right now ( a Carvin) has standard (20 mm I believe) spacing.

A 5'er with a high C is cool... I played one a guy built from parts he got at Warmoth that had a high C instead of a low B... It was neat, but a little awkward in that Im expecting the lower string to be there....
Eight strings? Jeez man, how big are your hands? ^^

As for music styles, which ones are four strings generally better or worse for? And five strings.

And thanks for answering my questions (to everyone who replied), cuz I know shit for all about five strings.

It's not the SIZE.... Its if you know how to use them!! LOL!!

Seriously, I really cant say that either one is better or worse for a given music style... I like extended range instruments because the give me more tonal options....

It's something you'll have to decide for yourself... I have basses with low B string... Do I use that string all the time? No... However, when I do want to use it it's there... I feel I can get a musical point across better that Im trying to make. Same with the higher strings.

Most of the best music ever recorded was done on a four... So, is four strings enough?? Probably... But I like keeping my options open.

So, it goes back to a remark I made earlier.... Is a four string sufficient for YOU to musically express yourself?? If it is, then stick with it..
8-string, cool. I'm guessing that this isn't the typical octave-stringed 8 like most are since you a) special ordered it and b) it's Conklin! What is the tuning on it anyhow?
Originally posted by NAD
8-string, cool. I'm guessing that this isn't the typical octave-stringed 8 like most are since you a) special ordered it and b) it's Conklin! What is the tuning on it anyhow?

Yes, that's correct. It is not an octave 8 sting... Tuned in fourths it ranges from low F# to hi F...


I have a Yamaha subwoofer that Im running the lower freq's through since most stock amps can handle niether the notes below B nor the power to faithfully reproduce them...

Gonna be cool!! Maybe now I'll have the BROWN note!!! LOL!!!
In the past I've played mostly in alt-metal bands but was always bored with it. I had hooked up with some really creative people but unless I was writing the song I was stuck to playing roots because nothing fun for bass really fit. A few years ago I started writing and recording my own stuff, alt-metal with a bit of progressive stuff thrown in for good measure. Even playing just roots can be fun if I'm playing all the other instruments!

Currently I'm playing improvisation progressive with a god of a guitarist and a drum machine, we usually play on my back porch. :D One of us starts on something and we pretty much feed off of one another until it's dead, oftentimes we do trade-off solos for 5 minutes at a time, I'm really enjoying it. When we have more time to dedicate to it we plan on playing local bars. He wants to live the rock n' roll dream some day, I'm content with it being a hobby.

How about you?
Cool!!!!! I love improv. stuff!!

Im involved in several groups at the moment.. The main one is a prog rock/metal band that at the moment is going under the name "Dreams of Reason". Don't know if that'll stick or not. We're currently writing and recording music for our debut CD hopefully due out mid-summer. We're sans a vocalist at the moment, but got a couple who may fit the bill. I've been filling in on vocals just for the sake of demos but there'll be NO way I'll be able to sing and play the music we're doing at the same time!! LOL!

The other main band Im in is Lonesome Moe, just a straight ahead club/party band. We gig one to two times a month and it's all in fun. ( 70's through today / covers mainly )

IM also involved in projects ranging from instrumental New Age type music to bluegrass... I try to keep (musically) as busy (and diverse) as I can.
You realize that I need to see a pic of your 8-string when you get it, right? :D mp3s would be nice too!
Its gonna be similar to this:


Only a spalted maple top...
Awesome, just awesome. How many frets is that, 28? So that would make it a... 5+ octave range? Wow.

My 20-fret 4-string has just under a 3-octave range, but it gets the job done! ;)