Your bottom 5

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When someone says Mainstream do you think they mean everything thats been mainstream or is mainstream? I am aware RATM was popular. I like Rap that was mainstream like N.W.A. and Run-D.M.C. I hate modern mainstream Rap, usually I never have to say modern because people know what I mean...
Ah. I am not exposed to the (MTV etc?) rap you are referring to, so guess our perspectives on what is mainstream simply differ. Either way, RATM suck.

Hearing Caddilick makes me laugh every time...

Did I say it was Reggaeton? I don't remember ever saying that. I know the difference between Mexican music and Latino music. There is distinct differences, at least for me there is. Each Latino country has their own specific flavor. Either way, it wasn't Reggaeton but rather the old stuff from around 1940s and possibly earlier. Reggaeton didn't appear until 1980s. Don't be quick to judge, it is never good. And yeah, I am not a stupid white person. I am actually an open minded person who is studying Sociology.

And I probably can't make a good rap song, but I sure as hell can make a mainstream rap song.

Sorry, when you said "weird Mexican music" I mistakened you for the tons of idiots who think all Latin or Spanish people are Mexican.

Ugh its so annoying when people say Mexican as a term for all Latin people, especially when one kid said "we have to write the whole thing in Mexican?" in my Spanish class. And when the same person said I was an undercover Mexican for getting a 100 on my Spanish test. And all the hop the border shit, just leave Mexicans the fuck alone, they aren't doing anything to you at all.

Also people complaining how they don't speak English and how they have to learn it before they come here, if you're so poor you're willing to cross a border illegally to mow peoples lawns is there any possible way you can get an English teacher? And Mexican immigrants aren't the only ones who can't speak English. In Maryland there are a lot of Koreans who can't speak English but no one bitches about them. Most Latinos where I live aren't even Mexican. I was talking about Chinese food once and this Chinese kid says "its all made by Mexicans though". I said "a lot of Latinos in this town are El Salvadorian" and he said "same difference" I wanted to say "Korean, Chinese whats the difference?" because I knew that would piss him off but I didn't.

Racism in general pisses me off.

Anyway more to the list.

10) Skater posers who buy a cheap skateboard and wear "skater clothes" to get chicks and hang around the parks not skating because they're afraid of real skaters insulting their skating, everyone was a N00B once, no one is going to make fun of your skating if you tell them you're a beginner.
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11) How pretty much every Non-Metal thread that isn't a bash thread turns into one.
5. My job.

4. Having no friends and never having a girlfriend.

3. Telling someone I am diabetic and their reply is "did you eat a lot of sugar as a kid?" It seems like no one knows anything about type 1 diabetes.

2. I can't seem to find a band that plays my type of music to join.

1. Henry Rollins, why do do people like him? He can't sing, he can't act, his books suck and his show sucks. Everything he says has been said a 1000 times before.
Back to the fucking thread subject:-

1. People who deny Global Warming
2. People who say Global Warming exists, but do nothing about it.
3. People who call ME a crazed "greenie" because I beleive in Global Warming.
4. People who think the world is out to get them. It's not. Get over it.
5. People who try to force their opinion on you without giving a reason. Whether it be religion, music or food, it's the same thing.

I have to add.

12) People who bash Emos all the fucking time. I find that Emos are nicer and more openminded than most Metalheads I have met. Most Metalheads I know are like "if its not Metal it sucks, if you like stuff that isn't Metal you suck!".

13) How uniqueness is looked down upon in American culture.
I have to add

All the fucking injuries my team Modo Hockey has sustained.Before the injuries, we won 5 straight games and only let in one goal on those games in the Swedish elite leauge. Then BAM, 7 players injured and 4 straight losses.
1) terrorists

2) People who get upset if old music is played at all.

3) My hair. It's real curly and dirty blonde coloured. Some days I can do something with it or it just goes ok but other days It looks bizarre.

4) Chavs, and I dont giving a flying **** about anybody saying I shouldn't say anything bad about the poor little blighters because I have the nearly the exact same background as most of them but I don't go round robbing people, burning cars etc

5) College / School. Urghhh I picked hard subjects, it's way too late to change and It's not easy.
I have to add.

12) People who bash Emos all the fucking time. I find that Emos are nicer and more openminded than most Metalheads I have met. Most Metalheads I know are like "if its not Metal it sucks, if you like stuff that isn't Metal you suck!".

13) How uniqueness is looked down upon in American culture.

I hope you aren't talking about how emo is unique. I'm all for uniqueness, but emo is the least unique fad. They pulled the fashion style from other cliques (goth, 80's metal, etc.) and every other emo person dresses exactly alike. Dressing alike can be said about other cliques, but this is taking it to extremes where if you don't know the person, it will be damn hard to tell the difference between one another.
I have said tons of times in other threads that Emo is far from unique, I think I have in this thread as well.
6. mono
7. freezer burn/frostbite on my tongue and the roof of my mouth
8. fire alarms at 5:30 am
9. getting out of my warm bed for said fire alarm and going outside where it was 35 degrees in shorts and a sweatshirt
10. finding hair in the shower that isnt yours
Oh, than never mind.

But I agree, uniqueness is looked down upon in here.

Yeah its messed up, but its even worse in Japan, Japanese culture is about conformity and fitting in and doing what everyone else is doing. In public Men and Women don't hold hands and they don't say I love you or even touch eachother. And Men there are considered homosexual if they dance. Some good Punk has come from Japan though.

But yeah in America its really annoying, I dress like everyone else but I don't think like everyone else. I mean its crazy, I find people who are different and unique to be interesting. I like making friends who think differently than me, it makes me experience new ideas and ways of thinking.

14) Algebra, its reviewed like hell, no one at my age uses it much, I will use it in the future so I'm not saying its useless, but everyone forgets a lot of it over the summer, so we do the same concepts again, but we do larger problems to make it more difficult and longer to finish.

15) Chain letters, how fucking stupid do you have to believe if you don't repost something you will die or it won't snow or you will find your crush or whatever.

16) American culture, its so fucking unfriendly especially where I live. In South America the people were a lot more friendly, they have less money but I'm sure they're happier than a lot of Americans.
17) Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb. They piss me off, they make every game they review sound like it sucks ass. With their unenthusiastic voices. And they give a million reasons why every game Nintendo and Sony sucks. I bet they get paid by Microsoft to give good reviews on Xbox games.
15) Chain letters, how fucking stupid do you have to believe if you don't repost something you will die or it won't snow or you will find your crush or whatever.
I agree. Chain letters (and the people who send them) are dumb as all hell.
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