Your bottom 5

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1.The Fact that i hate standing from 7 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon in a boring factory
2.The Fact that the only club for miles and miles in this northern outpost dump-village in the world i live in is a club that plays 50 cent and justin timberlake
3.Goth/Emo people that dress out just to "not be like everybody else"
4.The Fact that the American government is bombing the shit out of innocent human beings to get oil so they can remain the superpower of the world.
5.As a previous poster said;people who start bands just to get laid,Mötley Crüe being the prime example.
(but hey,it´s good to be alive after all:kickass:)
Yeah number 3 is annoying. They think they're so unique, but they don't realize there are tons like them.

Anyway another thing I hate is people who think their opinions are fact. Such as "_____ is the best band ever" and stuff. How most Classic Rock-heads won't quit bitching about modern music, they probably never even fucking listned to it, they probably heard 2 seconds of a Fall Out Boy song or something. I mean seriously, you can't say all modern music sucks without looking into it.
I really hate when people bash music genres they dont know shit about. I always see poser metalheads saying stupid stuff like "*does horns and crosses hands over chest* RAP IS CRAP 666!!!!" They just hear some shitty mainstream rap and ASSume that the rest of it sucks as well. They do the same thing with other great genres, like dance.

These are often kids who claim to be open-minded about music, and say "I listen to metal, rock, classic rock, punk, etc...", basically just things safely within the rock genre. Open-minded my ass.

Yeah Classic Rock-heads bitch about MTV kids not being open-minded when they are probably more open minded than the Classic Rock-heads. I mean MTV kids usually listen to Rap, Techno, Rock, R&B. But Classic Rockheads usually listen to 2 or 3 Classic Rock bands. Usually including Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, and The Doors.
Yeah Classic Rock-heads bitch about MTV kids not being open-minded when they are probably more open minded than the Classic Rock-heads. I mean MTV kids usually listen to Rap, Techno, Rock, R&B. But Classic Rockheads usually listen to 2 or 3 Classic Rock bands. Usually including Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, and The Doors.

The Hot Topic kids are pretty bad about it too. But Black Metal elitists are the worst. "Its not kvlt enough! It sucks! If you like it, you should die! Its a shame to Black Metal!" Elitists are just as bad as maggots and juggaloes.
1. How metal guys always get emo girlfriends, so whats a metal girl to do?
2. The fact that emos take over every thing
3. How people arent scared of the effects of Global Warming
4. The fact that our world is becoming more hate filled by the second
5. How people class all 'alternative' people the same where I live. I get compared to some idiotic childish emo
1. How metal guys always get emo girlfriends, so whats a metal girl to do?
2. The fact that emos take over every thing
3. How people arent scared of the effects of Global Warming
4. The fact that our world is becoming more hate filled by the second
5. How people class all 'alternative' people the same where I live. I get compared to some idiotic childish emo

I don't know any metal guys who like emo chicks; for one thing they're annoying as all hell, second thing is that they are usually full of shit.
2. I don't think it's that people are not scared, but that the government and media (at least here in America) do nothing besides continue on with their own family/party plans (this usually involves some type of gain on their part and a loss on everyone elses). The media itself focuses more on celebrity gossip than it does on real issues ; and when you tie in the fact that people are generally apathetic when it comes to the effects of their actions if it is not readily visible in their lives - you get what we have today: fascist government leaders who regulate information through the media while using businesses to bar alternative solutions that would harm the economy.
I hate people who don't know musical history and yet act as if they know it.
Shit like "When rap started people realized how stupid metal was and stopped listening to it". "This glam shit is what destroyed rock". Such ignorance.

How a lot of people say the Arctic Monkeys suck because they way they most likely heard about them was from some MTV kid saying they're the next Beatles. So therefore when people listen to them, instead of seeing if they're good or not, they're comparing them to the Beatles. Plus they managed to be popular and be themselves. They also have their own great sound.

I also hate people who think vocals are all that matter, and people who think they don't matter at all. They're both wrong.

Another thing I hate is when people make a fake myspace for a band yet have the same songs as the official one or other fake ones. Its so gay.
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Yeah same. The thing is to someone who is ignorant about music vocals are the first thing they notice, because its basically a human voice which you hear more than any instrument. Thats why mainstream bands are so vocal based. But in most mainstream bands what they're looking for is someone who is good looking. Then its sound engineering for their voice. The downside is its easier to criticize a vocalist because they use the same voice in every song, wheras the guitarist and bassist use different basslines and riffs.
Another thing I hate is how the world is working too much. I think thats why the rate of suicide in teenagers is rising, as well as the dropout rate. I think its because life is just becoming harder for each generation. 31 percent of high school students last year have dropped out or failed. I really don't see much of a point in todays society. I don't want to work my ass off in school for another 8 years or possibly more than that for degrees and shit just to work my ass off even more and not get rest until I'm too old to even move. Thats what motivates me to be a musician, I heard its even harder to be one now than before but its better than working my ass off.
I hate people who are so close-minded to music that they hate more bands than they like. I have a friend (yes he's cool but what he says about a lot of bands annoys me) who says every single band I mention sucks. I showed him the Cannibal Corpse lounge music video and he said "that proves how much Metal lyrics suck" and I said "Death Metal?" and he said "No all of them". He probably never listened to Metal in his life.

A lot of people who say Linkin Park sucks, a lot of people just hate their fans, and not them. Their guitarists may not be that good but their whole use of a scratching and stuff is what gets my interest. I actually like some of their songs. I don't hate any and people call them "Emo" but their songwriting is a lot better than a lot of Emo songwriting.

For example:

Moving all around
Screaming of the ups and downs
Pollution manifested in perpetual sound
The wheels go round and the sunset creeps past the
Street lamps, chain-link, and concrete
A little piece of paper with a picture drawn
Floats on down the street till the wind is gone
The memory now is like the picture was then
When the paper's crumpled up it can't be perfect again

- Forgotten

No one has been able to do as much with scratching as they have.
1. My Father [I hope the man dies...someday].
2. Life gives you that little moment of happiness, and just like that, it's all taken away. In fact, you face 10 times the amount of shit.
3. Hypocrites
4. People barricading you from doing what you want, and what you like. After-all, it is YOUR life, and not THEIRS. I know they wouldn't like it, if I meddled in their affairs. Sometimes i wish everything would just die and be quiet and give me the peace i rightfully deserve.
5. Liars amd Egotistical fuckers.
Liars and Egotistical people are really annoying. There are these jock kids at my school who think they're all that. They act like the fucking girls from Laguna Beach. I can't wait to see them not make a college team and see all their nonegsistant pride hit them in the face.

I hate how the media bitches about illegal downloading. Well Itunes is awesome to download from, its cheaper than the stores and you don't have to leave your home. But most of the time you get 2/3 or half the tracks on the album you bought. It pisses me off.

Oh yeah also how people call anything having to do with sadness Emo. I mean just shut the fuck up about Emos seriously.
- Saying I Love You Just To Get In Your Pants (or boxers :p)
I can't stand people who use others like that. I don't have a problem with people having one night stands, but I think the intentions need to be clear from the beginning and both partners need to be ok with it. No lies.

- Discrimination.
It just shows others ignorance and insecurities. My main one at the moment is probably people being homophobic and more annoyingly bringing god into it, which brings me to...

- Religion.
I think religion is fine, and can even benefit some people, but I do not think it is ok to judge others, start wars or refuse someone their rights (above) with it.

- Unprovoked Violence and Abuse.
Its sick, basically.

- Being Unfaithful.
I could never be intimate again with someone who would betray me like that, I know a lot of people would forget about it and move on but with that particular thing I don't seem to be able to work through it (nor should I have to though to be fair! :D)
How I can't solo Metal or Rock. All I can do is Blues. I play Blues really fast and with lots of distortion but it still sounds like Blues!
1) Classic Rock-heads who complain about how technical music is nowadays.
I consistently hear classic rock fans talk about how "music has turned into a mechanical adorn to promote duels of techiniques and skills by some people who are not worried in learn what music is all about". Get with the freakin' program! Music is a form of entertainment, nothing more. If the music is entertaining people, it's doing it's fucking job! Not to mention, it gets fucking boring hearing the same simple songs like "Smoke on the Water" or "Paranoid" constantly.

2) Guys who constantly preach to me about how Serj Tankian or SOAD is the fucking best, blah blah blah, yet when I try to show them some Exodus or Black Sabbath or something, they say "That's fucking shitty."
Without Sabbath, those guys wouldn't have a genre to call home. So enough said.

3) People who dismiss bands that use harsh vocals saying "zomg deth metuhl taekes no talenstz lawls!!11"
Yeah, and everything you listen to is just talking over a repetitive synthesized beat. Now tell me whose music requires less talent?

4) Hot Topics such as politics, Global Warming, etc.
I don't even fucking care. Quit preaching to me about it!

5) People who call me a "thief" for downloading music.
My music store is lame and only sells the most mainstream garbage possible. And I refuse to give my credit card number online. So downloading is my only way of discovering new bands. Not to mention, I do have a decent collection of physical CD's... just not as much as I'd like. So lay off.
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