Your bottom 5

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1) Classic Rock-heads who complain about how technical music is nowadays.
I consistently hear classic rock fans talk about how "music has turned into a mechanical adorn to promote duels of techiniques and skills by some people who are not worried in learn what music is all about". Get with the freakin' program! Music is a form of entertainment, nothing more. If the music is entertaining people, it's doing it's fucking job! Not to mention, it gets fucking boring hearing the same simple songs like "Smoke on the Water" or "Paranoid" constantly.

2) Guys who constantly preach to me about how Serj Tankian or SOAD is the fucking best, blah blah blah, yet when I try to show them some Exodus or Black Sabbath or something, they say "That's fucking shitty."
Without Sabbath, those guys wouldn't have a genre to call home. So enough said.

3) People who dismiss bands that use harsh vocals saying "zomg deth metuhl taekes no talenstz lawls!!11"
Yeah, and everything you listen to is just talking over a repetitive synthesized beat. Now tell me whose music requires less talent?

1) Yeah Classic Rock-Heads can be horrible to have in a band. If they can't solo theres no use for them, because all they want to do is solo. Having been one before myself, I know. The ones that hate Punk are even more annoying. Without Punk Guns N' Roses and pretty much all of Hard Rock bands after 1980 wouldn't've existed. Also they think modern music is a lot less technical. Led Zeppelin stuff is so easy to play. After you can play fast enough to play Metal you can play anything Zeppelin. And even Zeppelin dries up if you listen to them too much.

2) Without Sabbath Metal wouldn't be dark.

3) Screaming takes a hell of a lot more talent than clear singing. Doing the right scream is hard enough but being able to scream so that it doesn't tear up your vocal cords is even harder. Raspy singing in my opinion is harder though, you have to make sure it doesn't hurt and all but you also have to put in different levels of rasp depending on what sounds you're making so it requires more control than screaming.
5. People who come into the pub and are complete ASSES to me when I'm the one who destributes their drink. And clap when I break a glass :mad: Yes.. it was funny the first time.. :kickass:

4. The shite we're being taught at school. No we don't care about the population pyramid, algebra, irish poems or french verbs.

3. "Friends" who just randomly decide to pack up and ignore you all of a sudden!

2. People who think it bothers me when they say my favourite band is shit or too mainstream for their liking unlike their favourite band who MUST be unheard and from the wilderness of Sweden and called "fjkaslfdsfggggg"

1. Girls. :Smug: Jeez I hate us. (not every girl, just.. most:rolleyes:)
I don't care how mainstream a band is that my friend likes, all I care is if they are good or bad.
I agree on many points mentioned.

People - Generally, I hate about 99.9% of people.

Women - I personally find women to be very disappointing. As if there isn't enough whores, sluts and prostitutes in this world...I wish I could at least just meet some who isn't like or one who isn't so easlily impressionable enough to actually want to be herself. I can't go anywhere without seeing skanks, and online the amount of women who post tasteless pics of themselves is just disgusting. I just don't understand...

Men - I agree, there is a lot of jerks and the fact that there is enough skanks to satisfy them only gives them more reason to play up their ego. I basically hate all "alpha-males."

Life, the Sun, religion, labels, ignorance, mainstream-minded people, and society's influences are all things I strongly dislike.

I concur on people. It's difficult to find good people - people as an entity are not good; certain persons (or individuals, rather) on the other hand, are.
I have a similar view on collective religion; strongly opposed to any kind of collectivism, but in favour of faith in itself.

Also, indifference and people being annoyed by anything and everything. Oh yeah, and women. I prefer the company of men.
Actually what is considered normal people is actually a mutation of people that are less inventive and adaptive than people before. It was only recently that that mutation started. But they make up a lot of our people.
1. I hate most people that i meet on the street, either because they are unintelligable or because they have no sense of humour whatsoever.

2. People that give up on things when 'it's too hard'. HARDEN THE FUCK UP! if its too hard... try a bit fucking harder you lazy shit! like people who start playing an instrument, pick up the pick, drumsticks... and then figure out that they arent as good as they thought they would be and just straight out give up coz they arent prepared to put in any effort.

3. Ignorance. I hate people who are ignorant, and then you tell them they are ignorant, but they refuse to beleive it and just go on being ignorant. I fucking hate the saying 'ignorance is bliss' because it promotes stupidity, is stupidity is a major thing among people my age.

4. Any music that is played on the radio, or is emo. Its all about relationships and love songs. And emo music, holy crap, that is all about how shit life is coz their girldriend left them and they want to go cut themselves... oooh boo friggity hoo... HARDEN THE FUCK UP!

5. Skinny leg jeans, no explanation needed.
1. Rap. No talent to it at all. Woo, I can chant! And sing about smackin' bitches, yo, it makes me seem hard!
2. Emos. God, I just want to set fire to their little black fringes whenever I see them.
3. The British govt. I don't think I need to explain why.
4. Overly patriotic Americans, who, for some bizarre reason, can't keep their belief that 'ZomG EmaricA is totarly FTW' in their own country. Or, at least, restrain themselves from being patriotic and gloating outside of major sports events.
God, they piss me off.
5. Chavs who walk around playing music on their phones. Grr. In fact, just chavs in general.
1. I hate most people that i meet on the street, either because they are unintelligable or because they have no sense of humour whatsoever.

2. People that give up on things when 'it's too hard'. HARDEN THE FUCK UP! if its too hard... try a bit fucking harder you lazy shit! like people who start playing an instrument, pick up the pick, drumsticks... and then figure out that they arent as good as they thought they would be and just straight out give up coz they arent prepared to put in any effort.

3. Ignorance. I hate people who are ignorant, and then you tell them they are ignorant, but they refuse to beleive it and just go on being ignorant. I fucking hate the saying 'ignorance is bliss' because it promotes stupidity, is stupidity is a major thing among people my age.

4. Any music that is played on the radio, or is emo. Its all about relationships and love songs. And emo music, holy crap, that is all about how shit life is coz their girldriend left them and they want to go cut themselves... oooh boo friggity hoo... HARDEN THE FUCK UP!

5. Skinny leg jeans, no explanation needed.

2) I think thats kind of a good thing, I hate people who lazily play instruments with no effort and just do it for image.
3) So I guess you hate yourself huh?
4) Emo is about emotion, yes it is. But you haven't listened to any most likely, just like most Emo bashers

1. Rap. No talent to it at all. Woo, I can chant! And sing about smackin' bitches, yo, it makes me seem hard!
2. Emos. God, I just want to set fire to their little black fringes whenever I see them.
3. The British govt. I don't think I need to explain why.
4. Overly patriotic Americans, who, for some bizarre reason, can't keep their belief that 'ZomG EmaricA is totarly FTW' in their own country. Or, at least, restrain themselves from being patriotic and gloating outside of major sports events.
God, they piss me off.
5. Chavs who walk around playing music on their phones. Grr. In fact, just chavs in general.

1) Completely stupid opinion. It is very clear you have ony listened to modern radio crap.
5) Yeah they are fucking annoying. I still can't believe there are any in England. I've wanted to do a song called "Straight Outta London" and use a fake British accent just to make fun of the stupid fucks who think where they live is ghetto. Like people in my county, where there is almost no crime.

My new list is

1) When people bash genres knowing nothing about them. I don't hate the people, who hasn't bashed a genre without knowing anything?
2) How people say "gangsta" as another way of saying cool. I don't understand whats so cool about living your life killing people and stealing to stay alive. And probably dying in your 20's.
3) How most Rappers in radio crap portray the ghetto as something cool and exciting.
4) When people go into music hate threads and call people immature for posting in them. Those people shouldn't bitch! They can make their own fucking threads!
5) Mainstream music. These days to find a good band to listen you have to do hours of digging. Its really fucking annoying. Before you could just turn on your radio to hear something good.
6) Classic Rock-Heads. Seriously they won't stop bitching about modern music! They are annoying to have in bands because if they play guitar all they want to do is solo, and they would never play rhythm ever. If they play bass they want to put in a bass solo in every song, and they turn up their bass really fucking loud because they think noone can hear it. If they play drums they must do drum solos all the time. Especially live, it would suck to have an unskilled drummer improvize a live solo and the whole crowd booing you.
1. The radio. Everything on the radio sucks. If I ever listen to the radio, I listen to smooth jazz (laugh now). All the channels are rap, emo shit, country, pop, and weird Mexican music (I live in AZ, so yeah). Rap is talentless bullshit. Come up with a half-assed poem with a "beat" on constant repeat in the background. I can make 10 rap CDs in 10 minutes.

2. Emo guys that are emo JUST to get hot emo chicks. They wear everything skin tight and grow their bangs out and do the weird emo haircut. I don't see why a lot of chicks are into that kind of stuff, since they look a lot like girls themselves. But seriously, these guys are doing weird shit to look emo. For shits and giggles one time I tried being emo for halloween. The skin tight clothes forced my testicles to my throat. Needless to say I gave up and went as a brokeback cowboy.

3. Punks who tell me my music is shit. 99% of punk is a bunch of anarchists playing 3 random power chords while shouting incoherent babble of the evils of government. At least my music takes talent.

4. My local bands. The best local band is Job For a Cowboy, and that is the only decent local band. The rest are just bands that should change their name to "Metallikuh" since they are nothing but Metallica ripoffs or they are emo bands.

5. My step-dad. He is your stereotypical strict-as-fuck Muslim. He is a womanizing, manipulative, child abusing asshole. He calls me either a punk, a stupid asshole that sticks his nose where it doesn't belong, a fat ass (I am 5'9 and 150 lbs with a BMI of 22, he used that on my sister and thought it would work on me), and plenty of other bullshit. Now he calls me a devil worshiper because I listen to Dimmu. I don't live with him full time, I live with my dad, but I was forced to put up with his shit all summer while my dad was in China. I got him back in the most hilarious and awesome way imaginable, I taped a picture of the devil over him on my mom and his wedding photo. I have a picture of it, PM me if any of you want to see it.
1. The radio. Everything on the radio sucks. If I ever listen to the radio, I listen to smooth jazz (laugh now). All the channels are rap, emo shit, country, pop, and weird Mexican music (I live in AZ, so yeah). Rap is talentless bullshit. Come up with a half-assed poem with a "beat" on constant repeat in the background. I can make 10 rap CDs in 10 minutes.

2. Emo guys that are emo JUST to get hot emo chicks. They wear everything skin tight and grow their bangs out and do the weird emo haircut. I don't see why a lot of chicks are into that kind of stuff, since they look a lot like girls themselves. But seriously, these guys are doing weird shit to look emo. For shits and giggles one time I tried being emo for halloween. The skin tight clothes forced my testicles to my throat. Needless to say I gave up and went as a brokeback cowboy.

3. Punks who tell me my music is shit. 99% of punk is a bunch of anarchists playing 3 random power chords while shouting incoherent babble of the evils of government. At least my music takes talent.

4. My local bands. The best local band is Job For a Cowboy, and that is the only decent local band. The rest are just bands that should change their name to "Metallikuh" since they are nothing but Metallica ripoffs or they are emo bands.

5. My step-dad. He is your stereotypical strict-as-fuck Muslim. He is a womanizing, manipulative, child abusing asshole. He calls me either a punk, a stupid asshole that sticks his nose where it doesn't belong, a fat ass (I am 5'9 and 150 lbs with a BMI of 22, he used that on my sister and thought it would work on me), and plenty of other bullshit. Now he calls me a devil worshiper because I listen to Dimmu. I don't live with him full time, I live with my dad, but I was forced to put up with his shit all summer while my dad was in China. I got him back in the most hilarious and awesome way imaginable, I taped a picture of the devil over him on my mom and his wedding photo. I have a picture of it, PM me if any of you want to see it.

1) You're obviously some stupid white person who thinks all Latinos are Mexican. Fuck off! Reggaeton is not Mexican! Oh yeah by the way, make some recordings of Rap songs, I'd love to hear them! You probably can't even make a decent Rap song, all you heard is radio crap.
2) Will the world just shut up about Emo please? "OmG dIs EmO dId DaT && dIs EmO dId DaT. No one fucking cares anymore!
3) I agree with that, most Punks today don't even look at politics and make anti-america songs. You're probably some newbie Metalhead who is like "OMG METAL GUITARISTS ARE TEH GREATEST THEY PLAY SO FAST". Ugh anyone can play fast, seriously its not that hard.
5) Sounds like an asshole.

Anyway new on my list

7) How tons of people think a good guitarist is one who plays fast and technical. No! Its one that can make good riffs and solos. You wouldn't say a composer is good if their compositions are fast and technical would you?
8) How everyone says Latin American people are fucking Mexican! I hate it when people ask me if I'm Mexican when I say I'm Latino, and when people see someone Latino and say they are Mexican. Sure over 50% of Latin American immigrants are Mexican but not all Latin Americans are Mexican.
9) How some of my friends would say "you're not Latino, you're only half". Well I'm half white, so am I not white either? Ok so what exactly should I say I am, half white and half Latino? I would only say that if I was actually having a conversation with somone and really telling them about myself.
3. Punks who tell me my music is shit. 99% of punk is a bunch of anarchists playing 3 random power chords while shouting incoherent babble of the evils of government. At least my music takes talent.

:kickass: Some guy who listens to punk said "That sucks" to which I replied
"You're right. I was so wrong for listening to something that use more than 3 fucking chords, and takes actually ability to sing"

4. My local bands. The best local band is Job For a Cowboy, and that is the only decent local band.

Jesus christ.
You have on shitty scene there because JFAC suck balls.

Ok so what exactly should I say I am, half white and half Latino?

No. You're half cast.
That's the official word.
1) You're obviously some stupid white person who thinks all Latinos are Mexican. Fuck off! Reggaeton is not Mexican! Oh yeah by the way, make some recordings of Rap songs, I'd love to hear them! You probably can't even make a decent Rap song, all you heard is radio crap.
Did I say it was Reggaeton? I don't remember ever saying that. I know the difference between Mexican music and Latino music. There is distinct differences, at least for me there is. Each Latino country has their own specific flavor. Either way, it wasn't Reggaeton but rather the old stuff from around 1940s and possibly earlier. Reggaeton didn't appear until 1980s. Don't be quick to judge, it is never good. And yeah, I am not a stupid white person. I am actually an open minded person who is studying Sociology.

And I probably can't make a good rap song, but I sure as hell can make a mainstream rap song.
And I probably can't make a good rap song, but I sure as hell can make a mainstream rap song.

"Yo ma niggas,
Feel that bass,

-Cue Rap Voice-
I was riding on ma lo (Lowrider for us uninitiated whities),
When i saw this bitch,
She had titties down to the flo',
There was a cop nearby but I ain't no snitch".

Verse 1 finished in approximately 1 minute.
"Yo ma niggas,
Feel that bass,

-Cue Rap Voice-
I was riding on ma lo (Lowrider for us uninitiated whities),
When i saw this bitch,
She had titties down to the flo',
There was a cop nearby but I ain't no snitch".

Verse 1 finished in approximately 1 minute.
Repeat that 4 times and you have a rap hit.
2. Music with police sirens in the background... scares the shit out of me EVERY TIME.
3. People with no common sense, i.e. my roommate. Examples just this morning include 1. Banging on the door at 11 am, knowing that I'm sleeping. "oh but kerry, i forgot my key in someones car because im a fucking moron when i'm drunk!" She does this at least once a week, and every time i tell her to get a fucking key from the front desk. 2. "Are you still a virgin if you give head" shut the fuck up dumbass. if you don't have enough common sense to know that, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, or even take part in foreplay.
4. Ear wax. shits just gross.
5. the fact that yesterday was sunny, clear, and 74 degrees, and today it is raining and 54. Fuck you, Newport News.
6. War. The world has had enough.
And I probably can't make a good rap song, but I sure as hell can make a mainstream rap song.

I'm sure an African Grey could make a mainstream Rap song.

3. People with no common sense, i.e. my roommate. Examples just this morning include 1. Banging on the door at 11 am, knowing that I'm sleeping. "oh but kerry, i forgot my key in someones car because im a fucking moron when i'm drunk!" She does this at least once a week, and every time i tell her to get a fucking key from the front desk. 2. "Are you still a virgin if you give head" shut the fuck up dumbass. if you don't have enough common sense to know that, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, or even take part in foreplay.

Damn, how do you put up with her?
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