Your bottom 5

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pretty much, it annoys me that people dont realize the complexity of metal so they write it of as just screaming and banging shit.
Yeah. I also don't like it when people complain about being labelled, when they know why they're being labelled, and its for something they can change like the way they dress.
I also hate it when you're responding to something on the internet, and some prick divides your entire response into questions that are just common sense, they just piss me off.

I said "Jimi Hendrix is better than David Gilmour" on a youtube comment section and this prick says

"Better at what? What genre? Better at image?"

I was thinking "If you have any sense you even know the answers to your useless questions". I'm generalizing but I find in a lot of intelligent conversations people always split eachothers responses into questions.

I also hate my brother. He is a complete asshole 70% of the time. My parents don't even punish him for being an asshole, so he yells and complains about EVERYTHING.
I also hate it when you're responding to something on the internet, and some prick divides your entire response into questions that are just common sense, they just piss me off.

I said "Jimi Hendrix is better than David Gilmour" on a youtube comment section and this prick says

"Better at what? What genre? Better at image?"

I was thinking "If you have any sense you even know the answers to your useless questions". I'm generalizing but I find in a lot of intelligent conversations people always split eachothers responses into questions.

I also hate my brother. He is a complete asshole 70% of the time. My parents don't even punish him for being an asshole, so he yells and complains about EVERYTHING.

Yeah I hate peopleasking usless questions, but what can u expect on youtube. not everyone there is of high intillect.
I have to brothers and one of them used to be li;ke that, but then i just beat the hell outta him, so he learned to settle our differences behind closed doors.
Yeah I hate peopleasking usless questions, but what can u expect on youtube. not everyone there is of high intillect.
I have to brothers and one of them used to be li;ke that, but then i just beat the hell outta him, so he learned to settle our differences behind closed doors.

Yeah I'm kinda generalizing but the reason I don't participate in intelligent discussions is because people end up turning other peoples responses into more and more fucking questions and no one discovers anything.

And my brother is 2 years older than me.
Yeah I'm kinda generalizing but the reason I don't participate in intelligent discussions is because people end up turning other peoples responses into more and more fucking questions and no one discovers anything.

And my brother is 2 years older than me.

yeah constant questioning can get quite irritating.
That sucks that your brothers older, its hard to put them in line when they're older.
Not when you're smarter than them, I used to take pieces of his amp and stuff if he pissed me off.

On my bottom five is the vocalist of The Strokes, he's a fucking disease to a great band, if he wasn't in that band they would be a hell of a lot better.
I hate it when people drive around blaring music so fucking loud the bass practically shatters your eardrum. Its even more annoying because 99% of the time its mainstream Hip-Hop crap. To every loser who blares that I would scream "No one gives a shit about your horrible taste in music" but they probably wouldn't hear me anyway.
I also hate it when someone tells you to do something like 10 times in one second while you're going over to do it and then gets pissed because they've told you 10 times.
Yeah. I also don't like it when people complain about being labelled, when they know why they're being labelled, and its for something they can change like the way they dress.

Yeah. I always see emos saying stuff like 'omg y do ppl make fun of me 4 mi clothez???????? im jus bein miself!!!!!!!!111111'. Bah. Individuality is in personality, not clothing. If you dont want to be made fun of, dress appropriately.
Exactly, I hate people who aren't unique and want to be. So they become Emo which they think is unique. So stupid. I hate anyone who thinks their group of people or label is supreme and condemns others, a lot of Metalheads make fun of Emo music when they don't know anything about it and bitch about people who complain about metal without knowing anything.
Being singled out, my Math teacher every five fucking seconds tells the entire class what off task thing I am doing. "Joe you should be writing on the paper not the desk" "Joe you should be taking notes not drawing pictures". My Math class is basically shit like that every 5 seconds.
I really hate when people bash music genres they dont know shit about. I always see poser metalheads saying stupid stuff like "*does horns and crosses hands over chest* RAP IS CRAP 666!!!!" They just hear some shitty mainstream rap and ASSume that the rest of it sucks as well. They do the same thing with other great genres, like dance.

These are often kids who claim to be open-minded about music, and say "I listen to metal, rock, classic rock, punk, etc...", basically just things safely within the rock genre. Open-minded my ass.
The thing I hate most is when I introduce a couple of songs for any person in my school, and once he hears the vocals, he removes the headphones and says: "omgz, satanists!" It really really gets on my nerves. #1 They're not "satanists"; #2 There's a difference between a satanist and a devil worshiper. There are pretty much only 2 metalheads in my high school, the rest are just techno, punk, and rap. Ok, each to their own, but don't comment on something that you know nothing about.
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