Your bottom 5

Not open for further replies. the women in my family think that girls should be allowed to try out for football(american), but dont like the idea of boys playing on the vollyball team, or mixing genders in soccer, basketball, etc.

4. this is going to sound bad, but people who hate the KKK for hating black people, and bash gay basher for bashinggays. theres something about it, it makes me uncomfortable.

3.white women!!!(im a white guy fyi)

2.faggy emo kids who think slipknot is death metal & bullet for my valentine is the heaviest shit ever and carry acoustic guitars around at school.

1. people who are promiscuous, and drug abusers, but as soon as you do something that isnt 'christian', they flip a switch in thier head and bash you.

im a horribla person.:)
5.People who feel that they need to be hardasses
4.People who don't have open minds
3.Mainstream rap, scenecore, and pop punk
2.Posers/Phonies pals (not black people, my pals)
They're are a lot of things i hate but definetly one of the top ones would be the teenagers that say "OMGGG! YOU READ?!?!"

Yes i fucking love to read you dumbasses, you probably don't even know how to read. :rolleyes: People my age are so stupid.

I actually was in class once and my teacher asked a girl what time it was and she didnt respond. He asked her why and she said she couldnt read clocks that werent digital. I nearly cried out of frustration. :rolleyes:
Other than that:
Those are the other two because they both suck. Men criticize women for being stupid shallow bitches when they're really not any better themselves. I've been judged countless times by men because of my appearance. Judge me for my mind, for who i am really am. But your also partly right. Women do suck and most are shallow bitches.

Oh what a confusing world we live in:goggly:
Those are the other two because they both suck. Men criticize women for being stupid shallow bitches when they're really not any better themselves. I've been judged countless times by men because of my appearance. Judge me for my mind, for who i am really am. But your also partly right. Women do suck and most are shallow bitches.

Oh what a confusing world we live in:goggly:

well, i cant see you and can only judge you by what you type.and women who complain about that unprovoked, do in fact, come across as bitches. :)

i was just trying to prove a point, i wasnt complaining, but your right
I'm not racist, but I hate when kids that only speak spanish are next to you pointing and laughing but you can't understand what there saying. Its a big problem at my school.

I am not fluent in Spanish anymore, I can understand a great deal of it though, but yeah I hear kids talking in Korean all the time at my school and I wonder what they're saying.

I hate it when white people say that all Latin American people in the country need to speak English because they can't understand Spanish, when all the immigrants are struggling to learn English as fast as they can, and the white guys are just too lazy to learn enough Spanish to understand them.

Not aiming this at you, but the countless people who complain about all the immigrants and how they can't understand them.

I also hate it when females think they're constantly being judged by males. I also hate how they gossip all the time, its just retarded.
-1) The stereotypes of Spanish people and the people who think they are true. I'm half Spanish, Colombian to be exact and I'd punch anyone in the face if they called me a drug dealer.

This is true. While colombia may be the worlds greatest exporter of fine stimulants i.e. coffee and cocaine. I can't stand when people are like "OMG U R C0LOMBIAN?!?!?!111eleven!! LEIK SELL ME SUM C0C4INE ::high fives his friend:: lol r00flez" I had a good friend at school who got shit 24/7 just for being columbian.

-5. Protesting, it accomplishes nothing
-4. people who accept religion as fact
-3. The way workers are treated in America
-2. People who are overly sensitive
-1. Lack of Pragmatism within the american government
0. Rich People
1. I hate emo kids. What i hate more are people who put Emo, Punk, Goth, and Metalheads in the same category. people who do that should be put to death
2. People who can't take a F*cking Joke
3. Preachy people, especially Christians that have never read the bible and back up everything they believe in with God.
4. The Westboro Baptist Church ( aka god hates fags god hates american god hates ireland god hates sweeden aka god hates america) These sick F*cks have been protesting at millitary funerals for people who have died in Iraq.
5. Closed minded people whp pick one side of the issue and stick to it without first knowing all facts pertaining to the topic.

This is true. While colombia may be the worlds greatest exporter of fine stimulants i.e. coffee and cocaine. I can't stand when people are like "OMG U R C0LOMBIAN?!?!?!111eleven!! LEIK SELL ME SUM C0C4INE ::high fives his friend:: lol r00flez" I had a good friend at school who got shit 24/7 just for being columbian.

-5. Protesting, it accomplishes nothing
-4. people who accept religion as fact
-3. The way workers are treated in America
-2. People who are overly sensitive
-1. Lack of Pragmatism within the american government
0. Rich People
1. I hate emo kids. What i hate more are people who put Emo, Punk, Goth, and Metalheads in the same category. people who do that should be put to death
2. People who can't take a F*cking Joke
3. Preachy people, especially Christians that have never read the bible and back up everything they believe in with God.
4. The Westboro Baptist Church ( aka god hates fags god hates american god hates ireland god hates sweeden aka god hates america) These sick F*cks have been protesting at millitary funerals for people who have died in Iraq.
5. Closed minded people whp pick one side of the issue and stick to it without first knowing all facts pertaining to the topic.

Its stupid to accept Religion as fact. Religion is belief not fact.

I really don't like how people think personalities depend on label. Like how people think all preps are annoying and make fun of everyone and Emos are all stupid. And how some people think all Metalheads are angry satanists. There are nice Preps who aren't annoying and Emo's who aren't stupid. I don't care about labels as long as the person is nice.

Also I don't like people who make fun of people behind their backs. Its just so stupid, first of all its not nice at all and second they probably won't even know so it doesn't matter.
I have to add how pretty much everything I've learned in school since 7th grade has been almost completely useless. Its also annoying in math how I have to show my work on everything, it just makes it harder for those of us who can do it in our heads, sometimes our thoughts move faster than our hands, and its annoying to have to slow down my work speed to that of my hands.
^Same here. In grade 5 once when my class had a supply teacher, I did the equations in my head and handed in the work, but she just yelled at me and told me to quit using a calculator and stop cheating. What a faggot.
^Same here. In grade 5 once when my class had a supply teacher, I did the equations in my head and handed in the work, but she just yelled at me and told me to quit using a calculator and stop cheating. What a faggot.

Yeah, whats the point of learning how to do it without a calculator when if you have a job that involves a lot of math you're gonna use one anyway. I think they want people to write it down for memory of how to do the equations, but you already are going to know how to do it if you can write it down.

I don't understand proper grammar and everything. People don't talk with correct grammar, its because languages change. I know it makes you sound well educated to use proper grammar but if they never taught it there would be no proper really.

The most useless class for me right now is Math, what they basically have done in Math class since 7th grade is combine different concepts to make a somewhat new one. But none of this stuff is useful unless I'm gonna be an accountant which I can't be.

History is probably the most useful for me right now. They say if you don't know history you're doomed to repeat it, but sometimes learning about histories about your country and stuff can reignite grudges which can make the same stuff happen again.
I have to add how pretty much everything I've learned in school since 7th grade has been almost completely useless. Its also annoying in math how I have to show my work on everything, it just makes it harder for those of us who can do it in our heads, sometimes our thoughts move faster than our hands, and its annoying to have to slow down my work speed to that of my hands.

true I have yet to use algebra or trig at all. Our school system and society in the U.S. is one huge shceme to put money into the pockets of colleges. 50-60 years ago you could drop out of higschool get a full time job at a factory and raise 4 kids no problem with only 1 source of income. Nowdays a highschool diploma doesn't mean Sh*t, College is a F*cking scam. You pay out the ass to go for like 2 years just to make an ok amount of money.

what I can't stand even more are people who think they are better than others just because they went to college
1) parents that do not pay attention to their kids
2) fanatics in any way
3) anti-social behavior (whereby everybody has a different understanding about what is social)
4) people who say they hate people, see 2)
5) Ignorance
true I have yet to use algebra or trig at all. Our school system and society in the U.S. is one huge shceme to put money into the pockets of colleges. 50-60 years ago you could drop out of higschool get a full time job at a factory and raise 4 kids no problem with only 1 source of income. Nowdays a highschool diploma doesn't mean Sh*t, College is a F*cking scam. You pay out the ass to go for like 2 years just to make an ok amount of money.

what I can't stand even more are people who think they are better than others just because they went to college

Agreed. I really don't think they should force kids to become masters of all the different stuff they teach them. I think that people should just become familiar with Algebra and all the Math shit. Not get a shitload of homework every day.

I also think kids would learn better if they got less homework. Kids would be paying attention in class better, because they get tests and want to get good grades and because they won't be thinking about getting a shitload of homework homework. If they are just thinking about how much they hate homework they won't pay attention and learn as well. Also I know too much homework causes stress which can cause you to lose the rest you get from sleep, which can cause you to lose how well you remember stuff. And I can remember stuff in 5th grade that I never use really but because when I learned it I wasn't getting way too much homework. I've found over the years they have to review more because kids are forgetting more due to all the homework.

People never get to start their lives fast enough, some doctors are in their late 20's when they're done with med school. The reason why I want a career in music really bad is because I can start my life faster and not have to force myself to do shit my mind isn't made for.

1) parents that do not pay attention to their kids
2) fanatics in any way
3) anti-social behavior (whereby everybody has a different understanding about what is social)
4) people who say they hate people, see 2)
5) Ignorance

I don't think anti-social behavior is that bad, I can be anti-social or really social but I don't like people telling me to be social when I am in an anti-social mood or to be anti-social when I am in a social mood.
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