Your bottom 5

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In high school I was social and had alot of friends. Once you graduate it is hard to hang on to your friends. I have/Had 2 best friends I considered to be like brothers to me and they were the only people I really talked to after high school. One hung himself and the other got deployed to the sandbox and I haven't heard form him in a while
Sorry guys, looks like I was lost in translation :rolleyes:

What I meant with anti-social is more in the sense of caring about others, being fair.

My English needs to improve.
so you mean more like a lack of compassion? yeah I can't stand that either. Also I can't stand people who are touchy, and high mantainence; that drives me nuts for some reason.
-1) The stereotypes of Spanish and Latin American people and the people who think they are true. I'm half Spanish, Colombian to be exact and I'd punch anyone in the face if they called me a drug dealer.

0) This one kid at my school who would make fun of Jimi Hendrix, and he was strumming an air guitar and making fun of him but the funny part was he was strumming at his neck :lol:. And I looked at him and shook my head. He said Jimi was a dipshit who just did drugs when he knew I idolized him. The bastard.

1) Emo's, Preps and the stupid labels themselves.

2) The fact that where I live its hard to find a girl who likes good music.

3) Poser posers, people who say they are something when they aren't and don't even put in any effort to make it convincing.

4) People who don't even try to appreciate music.

5)Guys who only play guitar to attract girls.
Like this one popular guy at my school, he was playing with this band that was playing Sum 41 songs in the talent show, I had heard the songs they played several times before. So this popular guy tells everyone "I'm playing guitar" thinking he's so cool. And he played the most Simple rhythm guitar I had every seen, I could play it the first time I held a guitar. The popular guy lost track in the middle of a song when he was playing the same thing over and over and he was looking at his hand the whole time. He was probably a beginner and he wanted to get attention when he sucked. Thats how you tell the retards apart from normal people, the normal people know they suck and care about it and get better but the guys who want to attract girls just think learning a song is all it takes.
I also hate all of those. Except the first one, which by the way,makes you a dirty sock stealer.:p
Another thing I hate is how the draft is gonna take affect when I'm old enough to go to war. War is stupid, I'm going to Mexico if the draft starts.

More stuff for my list.

I hate being such an outcast. :erk:
I have to add when I have to get to school. 7:25, it fucking pisses me off, being even slightly tired makes classes unbearable for me. I was so bored in tutorial that I faked a headache so I could sleep in the health room for about 20 minutes. But it made a huge difference. If they made the day start 20 minutes or so later people will be more alert.
yeah it never made sense to me, younger kids are so energetic yet they go to school later in the day than highschool kids. I think HS kids should be the ones going into school and such. Without proper rest school is an arduos task.
Yeah, now that I think about I would consider myself preppy too, I mean I do wear kind of preppy clothes. Preppiness has nothing to do with how you act, its 100% how you dress.

Yeah music has nothing to do with how you dress unless you are wearing band t-shirts but there are still posers who don't even like bands and wear their shirts. One thing I don't like is when people consider themselves a fan of a band when they just get their greatest hits.

Internet typing is just stupid, enough said.

I hate how uniqueness is condemned, its so stupid. If I decided to look more unique I would be made fun of.

Another thing I don't like is how about 70% or more of guys who play guitar want chicks, or are completely ignorant and want to play one style without broadening their horizons. Also how they want to be exactly like their idols, the thing is you can't. A guitarists sound is carved from years of playing, if you're gonna try following them you're gonna go right into the ground.

Another thing I don't like is people who complain about now being a horrible time for mainstream music, its not, the 90's was, you had tons of horrible techno. Really awfully-sucking-making-your-ears-puke techno. Mainstream music now is way better. But I don't understand why The White Stripes or The Strokes aren't mainstream.
I hate how hard it is to find a good drummer because 99% of your friends play guitar like you do, except your one friend who tries to look like Cliff Burton and plays bass because it's easy to fake
Yeah, now that I think about I would consider myself preppy too, I mean I do wear kind of preppy clothes. Preppiness has nothing to do with how you act, its 100% how you dress.

Definitely. I have scarcely met preps that fit the stereotypes against them.

Yeah music has nothing to do with how you dress unless you are wearing band t-shirts but there are still posers who don't even like bands and wear their shirts. One thing I don't like is when people consider themselves a fan of a band when they just get their greatest hits.

Yeah. I still wear band shirts though.:)

Internet typing is just stupid, enough said.
LiEk ZoMg!!!!!11111 HoW CaN u H8 tEh InTeRnEt TyPiNg?????:p

I hate how uniqueness is condemned, its so stupid. If I decided to look more unique I would be made fun of.

True. But I hate it when people claim to be unique, but are exactly like the guy standing next to them at the show *cough* fashioncore kids *coughP

Another thing I don't like is how about 70% or more of guys who play guitar want chicks, or are completely ignorant and want to play one style without broadening their horizons. Also how they want to be exactly like their idols, the thing is you can't. A guitarists sound is carved from years of playing, if you're gonna try following them you're gonna go right into the ground.
I also hate it when people that think you can play mtal with just power chords.

Another thing I don't like is people who complain about now being a horrible time for mainstream music, its not, the 90's was, you had tons of horrible techno. Really awfully-sucking-making-your-ears-puke techno. Mainstream music now is way better. But I don't understand why The White Stripes or The Strokes aren't mainstream.
I hate how hard it is to find a good drummer because 99% of your friends play guitar like you do, except your one friend who tries to look like Cliff Burton and plays bass because it's easy to fake

Exactly, my band has no drummer, and whenever you find a drummer they're already taken.

About 70% of kids who play guitar want chicks.

And about 90% are completely undedicated.
I hate the school year. Its so depressing.

1) I never have free time
2) I get into arguements with my parents about school
3) I'm always tired
1. Stupidity

2. Whores

3. High School football players, all the ones i know are assholes

4. People who are ignorant about religion but still hate it nonetheless.

5. People who think they are better then everyone and treat you like shit because they think your not up to their standards.
All those I hate. Most jocks can be complete assholes, and really stupid. There was this one football player today who came to school today wearing a white hoodie and he had the hood up and it was pointy (and the kid was black). At the end of class I asked him why he was wearing it.
I personally hate more than anything is people who you are good friends with, and then they stab you in the back, thats the fastest way to ruin someones day.

I also hate peoples view on metal, as in how many of them think As I laying Dying and Slipknot are death metal.
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