Your damnation: my bitter surprise

The originator of this thread complained somewhat about "simplistic" songwriting on Damnation. I think what needs to be mentioned here is that it takes a very HIGH LEVEL of musicianship to take a "simple" riff or arrangement and make it sound as damn good as Opeth does. They knew exactly what they were doing when they made this record, and anyone who really understands their vision will love it just as much as their other material, because it comes from the same place.
illbeleavinnow said:
To all who have heeded metalmanCPA's words, read my post above. Maybe I'm just spiteful but I completely don't agree with him.

Err sorry if I come off as a jerk. :p
Stating an opinion does not make anyone a jerk.

My point is this: Opeth made five "Opeth" albums as defined by their fans. Than came along BWP. That album produced the first wave of criticism, but from my vantagepoint, not so much from the album musically, but from it's increased popularity over their first five albums. This, I am assuming to some people, began the arguement (or fear) of Opeth going mainstream. I have heard all Opeth albums countless times, and I still stand by BWP as their finest work, and The Drapery Falls as the best song ever. Then came Deliverance, and soon to follow Damnation. Three albums in a very short span, especially by artists as gifted as Opeth. Other so-called artists can put out piles of rubbish on an assembly line, but for a band such as Opeth to put out many albums in a short time is a surprise.

I remember reading Lina's comment on how she felt their latest three albums (am I correct Lina?) appeared rushed to her. I don't hear that. I truly believe that Mikael had a pile of ideas in his head, and if he didn't lay down the tracks, maybe they'd get lost. I'm not a music writer, but if I had ideas, I would not wait.

My comment about if the Damnation tracks were spread out means this to me: Damnation is a major change in Opeth, and it came all at once. Regardless of Opeth's warnings, I think it took a lot of people by surprise. Many wondered why should Mikael temper that wonderful death side of his voice? Well, like all Opeth albums, it has taken time for Damnation to bloom. But after seeing them in concert, they just amaze me. What other death/black/whatever metal band could even come close to pulling this off. And if I compared Damnation to other heavy mellow works by other artists who do it for a living, I'd say Damnation would easily hold its own, which is all the more amazing considering what Opeth fans consider true Opeth to be.

I have listened to music all of my life. I have heard countless artists. I have heard nobody that compares to Opeth's overall presentation of music to my ears. They are diverse, heavy, emotionally draining, amazing, talented, and true. As I have heard other opening acts say about Opeth in the previous two concerts I saw them in prior to the Damnation tour - they are the "Almighty Opeth".
Quit calling Damnation an acoustic record! I hate it when people call anything with a clean guitar "acoustic". There's not many acoustic parts on the album at all, most of it is clean electric guitar.
@ metalmanCPA, I see your point clearly. It took me a bit to understand what your second post had to do with our agreement but it makes sense now after trying to make a retort three times and failing. :p

But I still think that the songs off Damnation have a totally different feel than Opeth's other mellow songs. I for one can't see Windowpane or Ending Credits or Hope Leaves on any other Opeth album.
illbeleavinnow said:
But I still think that the songs off Damnation have a totally different feel than Opeth's other mellow songs. I for one can't see Windowpane or Ending Credits or Hope Leaves on any other Opeth album.

I agree, but I also couldn't see songs from earlier albums being on later ones.

Progress is just that - the past is left behind. Some bands stay the same, and others change, either abruptly or subtley (sp?). Opeth has always had their "mellow" side, but since they have refined their production, the newer mellow tunes don't have that same raw emotion. Opeth is more polished. The production is much more "studio" than "raw", but also much deeper and sonically profound. Mikaels voice has really advanced. Martins drumming on Deliverance was something to behold. They may be in danger of becoming sopmewhat mainstream (which really means popular and respected in Opeth's case), but I certainly don't see this as something they are doing on purpose. They continue to challenge my musical intellect.
It's subtly. :)

And yeah, I like having Opeth be so diverse. I know I'm getting quality music, but I can choose it either "classic, raw, tr00" or "new, polished". I couldn't find better words than you used sorry... :p

@ ucsbdude, that reminds me of the Simpsons where Krusty was dressed as a vampire and he was like:

"Tonight we're going to suuucK!"

*reads next cue card*

"Your blood!"

:lol: Classic.