Good list! I have stuff from about 2/3 of the list, so all the others are appreciated. Time to go add to my collection.
Any more, anyone? Time to give your props....
Any more, anyone? Time to give your props....
lady_space said:Cat fight!! CAT FIGHT!!!
MetalRose said:I don't think I'd classify Manowar as powermetal.
I'd classify it as crap.
*waits for the flaming to begin.*
JonnyD said:
MetalRose said:LOL. I'll change my opinion once Mr. Lead singer can hold a tune, hell I'll change my opinion once he can get through 3 consecutive notes with out going out of key.
metal71 said:Amen brother! Metal used to mean Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.... and you were hardcore if you branched out to smaller bands like... Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister! Hahahaha... Good times. But I love the variety, and thank Kurt Cobain everyday for finishing off the glam scene. Wasn't 'metal' anyway. Metal is where I like it to be once more - in the gutter. When bands go in knowing their not going to sell a zillion albums and be all over MTV (like the glammers were doing 15 years ago), then they have nothing much to aspire to but making music they really dig. That's why we see all the black and death metal, the rap hybrids, the doomsters, etc. I don't like it all, but I love the variety. Good for the scene's growth.
JonnyD said:No worries MetalRose I was just having a lil fun ... I myself am a Fan of Manowar and I am very used to being bashed for it ... I was hoping you would see the humor in my post![]()
Barking Pumpkin said:Not to burst your bubble, but not only have all those other genres been around for the entire time glam was, but they're actually getting more popular now (of course in a watered down form), if you look at all the bands on Nuclear Blast, Century Media, etc. which are popular and often not very good, although both have some excellent bands there. I don't want to start a big discussion that goes off the topic at hand, but that's the way it is. There has never been a point where there weren't quote-"underground" bands, artists, whatever doing their own thing, and there never will be.
Old Fart...metal71 said:You see, I've been around. I've played in bands, I went to college for music, I roadied for bands bigger than those we'll be checking out at PP, I've even learned how to breathe fire from a Norwegian Blackmetallist in a rathole alley bar in Germany..... I'm what some people would call... "OLD".
TheWhisper said:Old Fart...![]()
Back to the subject of Power Metal, I don't really klnow what constitutes a Power Metal band in the strictest sense. To me now days, when I hear the label Power Metal, I think of a certain amount of cheese, lots of speedy songs with double kick drum all the way through, screeching vocals, big gay sing along choruses...Oh yeah, and a certain amount of with, if that ain't homo-erotic metal, I'll kiss your loin-clothed ass.
TheWhisper said:Old Fart...![]()
Back to the subject of Power Metal, I don't really klnow what constitutes a Power Metal band in the strictest sense. To me now days, when I hear the label Power Metal, I think of a certain amount of cheese, lots of speedy songs with double kick drum all the way through, screeching vocals, big gay sing along choruses...Oh yeah, and a certain amount of with, if that ain't homo-erotic metal, I'll kiss your loin-clothed ass.
Um, I have heard all those bands and, to tell ya the truth, none of them really do anything for me.Yngvai X said:You need to hear:
Iron Savior
Grave Digger
Angel Dust
Mystic Prophecy
Blind Guardian
These are some bands that I find stray away from the "typical" powermetal sound and are a bit heavier, thrashier, oldschool, and/or progressive.
TheWhisper said:Um, I have heard all those bands and, to tell ya the truth, none of them really do anything for me.
...and it is appreciated...Yngvai X said:well FINE!! I was JUST TRYING TO HELP! GAWD!!![]()