metalcore/scene kids into prog/power metal !!!???

Although I totally understand MetalRose's feelings, the back-formation isn't correct. "Hardcore" as a style of music did exist throughout the 80s and early 90s, and still does, although its become more and more obscure. Metalcore ostensibly means metal music mixed with hardcore's typical lyrical subjects (generally: left-wing politics, self-empowerment, straightedge, and/or veganism), but what is metalcore today doesn't fit that description anymore.

My thoughts: As an ex-hardcore kid (mainly high school years and early college years) I was a little dismayed to find hardcore influences "following me" when I started listening to metal "full-time" (I mean, it became the majority of my listening). Metalcore has become not just a stigmatized term but inaccurate as well as bands like Bleeding Through have all but lost any and all hardcore aesthetic they might have had years ago when the mixture in metalcore was clear and obvious just from listening to this type of band. It *is* (was) a distinct style and sound but has in recent years evolved into just metal with a new fashion attached to it. Palabra has the basic description right: hardcore bands looking for new influences picked up on death metal in the early and mid 90s. Although bands like Agnostic Front had hinted at this simply by being very heavy in the early 80s, it wasn't until Earth Crisis (who knew what they were doing when they adopted Carcass and Obituary influences into hardcore roots) in the early 90s that "metalcore" as its own genre was distinctive enough to warrant labelling. What was vital then, however, has worn out to the point where it's lost its spirit and is just metal-riffs + breakdown; in other words, the hardcore is gone. However, as JosephAvecado says, there has been increasing numbers of metalcore kids into traditional metal. No problems really from me; there was bound to be mixing sooner or later and it's not so bad anyway. I don't really mind. It's also been going on for a long time really, it's only in the post-millennium years that "metalcore" has exploded in popularity to the point where its noticeable in the mainstream at large. I still don't like the bands though. A funny thing about me that isn't very logical is that I'm a musical separatist. When I was into hardcore, i hated metal and was offended by the increasing use of metal-style riffs in bands who in my opinion should have stayed purely hardcore. As a metal fan, I'd rather hardcore influences stayed out of metal too. I still like both styles, but enjoy them most when they aren't mixing.

I am exactly in the same boat as you. I grew up with the hc of the 80's after being introduced to Minor threat when I was super young. I was like that as well in that I didn't want my styles of music mixed.
Who cares? People are allowed to listen to whatever they want to listen to. I don't care if "scene" kids are listening to Blind Guardian, Stravinsky, or John Coltrane.

I have to agree here. I do not care what anyone listens to, at least they are being exposed to music.

As for me: I was into the metal scene after crossing over from punk in the mid 80's, and truly have not looked back. Even though many parts of that scene are now a joke today, it still allowed me to evolve into some of the real good stuff that is out in the power/prog scene. Yes, we laugh at Warrant, Firehouse and Cinderella today. But, back in the day, we were banging with the rest of them. Without those acts, we probably may not be enjoying Gamma Ray, Nightwish, and Sonata Arctica today.

and, FYI, Tarot was considered a hair band once.

Ray C.
Again,more popularity=more females
More females=better chance a few might be cute
Which means I actually might not have to go to Europe to find a girl for myself
Again,I'm sick of metal sausage fests and the few girls at a show resembling a herd of cattle.
ProgPower is the only show with a few atractive females(that actually attend)
I have to agree here. I do not care what anyone listens to, at least they are being exposed to music.

As for me: I was into the metal scene after crossing over from punk in the mid 80's, and truly have not looked back. Even though many parts of that scene are now a joke today, it still allowed me to evolve into some of the real good stuff that is out in the power/prog scene. Yes, we laugh at Warrant, Firehouse and Cinderella today. But, back in the day, we were banging with the rest of them. Without those acts, we probably may not be enjoying Gamma Ray, Nightwish, and Sonata Arctica today.

and, FYI, Tarot was considered a hair band once.

Ray C.

You laugh if you want to. Cinderella kicks ass even today. Image aside there were a lot of extremely talented musicians wearing spandex... Cinderella, Pantera, Saxon, Iron Maiden....
All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the Emo
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain. we can be like they are :Puke:
Come on baby...don't fear the Emo
Baby take my hand...don't fear the Emo
We'll be able to fly...don't fear the Emo
Baby I'm your EMO MAN!!!... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I dont understand why is it bad for Power Metal to become a more popular genre (even though I'm not that big of a fan as I used to).

That's something that has always baffled me... many fans (I'd say almost the majority) of prog or power metal have for a long time been very jealouse about those genres, they dont want mainstream exposure, because for some reason "mainstream = bad" (I dunno why, really)... yet they also want for the bands to include a bunch of cities in their tours, make their albums aviable in more stores at cheaper prizes, and in some ocassions play in better venues... and seriously, you cant have it both ways.

It's sad to realize that many great prog/power musicians (specially outside of Europe), despite their success, seem to be forced to take day to day jobs, play in a million records as session musicians or teach music, just to have a home, and a good portion of their fans want to keep them just like that.

It's not a fair scene, the underground scene in metal... because that's not exclusive to prog/power, it happends in all genres of metal that have not made it big yet.

I for one wish more people got exposed to the music and become fans of the genre... it's a LOT better for the bands.
I don't want mainstream culture to affect the sound of future power metal. But I have no issues with mainstream finally realizing the brilliance of bands like Blind Guardian.
I HATE when people mosh to power metal. Just bang your head.

I couldn't hold it in at Blind Guardian , Sonata Arctica, or even at Mago de oz . Sorry but I can';t help myself. At Mago in Los Angeles hella alot people moshed and i didn't think Mago is the kind of band you can do that to. Oh well moshing is cool though as long as people are having fun and nobody is getting hurt ! fuck that hardcore dancing shit though.
I have to agree here. I do not care what anyone listens to, at least they are being exposed to music.

As for me: I was into the metal scene after crossing over from punk in the mid 80's, and truly have not looked back. Even though many parts of that scene are now a joke today, it still allowed me to evolve into some of the real good stuff that is out in the power/prog scene. Yes, we laugh at Warrant, Firehouse and Cinderella today. But, back in the day, we were banging with the rest of them. Without those acts, we probably may not be enjoying Gamma Ray, Nightwish, and Sonata Arctica today.

and, FYI, Tarot was considered a hair band once.

Ray C.

Gamma Ray, Nightwish, and Sonata Arctica took little to nothing from the hair bands in the 80s. Don't forget that power metal was around during that time already with Helloween, Blind Guardian, Sanctuary etc. Hair bands were just boy bands with guitar solos, whereas the power/prog of today demands long songs, epic melodies with lyrical themes that actually required thought to write, classical influence, and many other things that would never be associated with hair bands. If you liked that crap in the 80s, that's fine, but don't dare associate prog/power with it.

Tarot was never considered a hair metal band... maybe to the same retarded uninformed Americans who think that .. I dunno.. Nightwish are glam.
I couldn't hold it in at Blind Guardian , Sonata Arctica, or even at Mago de oz . Sorry but I can';t help myself. At Mago in Los Angeles hella alot people moshed and i didn't think Mago is the kind of band you can do that to. Oh well moshing is cool though as long as people are having fun and nobody is getting hurt ! fuck that hardcore dancing shit though.

Moshing is something I did when I was 16. Yes, it was fun but when you're 16 you think the world revolves around you, and therefore have little or no consideration for the others around you who are trying to enjoy they show.

Now that I'm older(26) I find moshers to be annoying and full of foolish excuses to justify their behavior. It's one thing to be physically involved with the music, its quite another to be out of control with virtually no regard for others around you.
I am almost completely for having these bands see wider exposure, more fans, and more money! The only hesitation I have derives from what the mainstream can do to the genre... for an interesting read, check out the history of emo music:
Emo & - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That scares the crap out of me, personally.

I'm actually excited about "metalcore kids" listening to prog & power metal.
I'm actually depending on these hardcore/metalcore kids who are discovering bands such as Dragonforce through the Ozzfest scene to support the prog/power/thrash shows I'm promoting. What I find rather amusing is how these kids that everyone's bashing are simply victims of circumstance themselves.

Some of you who are my age (or close anyway) may recall how the metal scene was driven completely underground around 1991/1992 with the coming of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, STP, Soundgarden, NiN, and many other grunge/gothic bands.

I've been into hard rock and heavy metal since discovering AC/DC in 1978. And I have noticed that very 5-7 years a big development takes place in the music scene. It happens with practically every generation. Around 79/80 the seventies rock scene gave way to the harder edged metal bands such as Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. Around 87/88 those bands found themselves changing with the times as the hair bands grew strong. Five years later the grunge scene destroyed all I held dear. Flash forward a few more years and the goth scene started up, quickly followed by hardcore/metalcore [I admittedly know nothing of the hardcore scene]. Then in this new millenium, the prog and power metal bands are what's 'happening'.

Think about it... look around on MySpace. I have seen more and more kids lately with band lists ranging from Children of Bodom and Lamb of God to Manowar and Dream Theater. I see girls dressed in Ren Faire garb, quoting Nightwish and Within Temptation songs. I see teens wielding swords in their pics and quoting Hammerfall and similar bands. My son's lead guitarist (17) has discovered Edguy and can't get enough of it. His bassist LOVES Wuthering Heights!

So once again, the winds are changing. I believe it is only a matter of time before the hardcore kids calm down, the emo kids stop crying, and the younger crowd looks for something that separates them from their conformist older siblings. I see it every time Eclipsed by Sanity takes the stage: more and more teens showing up to see what this 'new' sound is all about. When in fact, it's a sound influenced by bands who were at the top of their game 10, 15, and 20 years ago.

:cool: That's all. I'll get off my soapbox now.
If it is core is NOT metal!

Anyway, if the damn mallcore kiddies want to listen to real metal to remove the sh..wax from their ears fine with me.

I survived punk, disco, grunge, alternative, and countless other calamities. Call me square but real metal will survive and I don't care about those silly kids I have the same contempt for them as I have for reggaeton, rap, hip-hop, pop, emo, mallcore or any other unnatural disaster.

NP: World Below - 'A Future So Dark'
Some of you who are my age (or close anyway) may recall how the metal scene was driven completely underground around 1991/1992 with the coming of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, STP, Soundgarden, NiN, and many other grunge/gothic bands..

Hoyt: You're a good guy, but aside from NIN (and many would argue that point), none of those bands are gothic. The goth scene has never hit the mainstream here in the US.

Aside from that, I agree with you 100%. I have no problem with new fans, like I've said before, I think that kids are starting to learn the value of imagination again and are tired of the crap being puked out by mainstream radio.

But some of those scene kids are lil' turds, no matter how you look at it. Not because of the other music they like or their hairstyles, but their attitudes. A good example was when me and Paul went to see Katatonia/Moonspell/Daylight Dies at the Masquerade. A car with some of "those types" pulled in behind us and parked next to a slightly hidden
fire hydrant (you know how the weeds are outside along the road at the Masquerade ;) ). Paul politely told the guys that there was a hydrant and that they should move. Instead of being cool about the tip, one of the jerks said to his friends, "We might better move, there's a fire hydrant there" in outright mockery of Paul. That's the kind of behavior I am seeing more and more from these turds. I mean, sure, there are scumbags in every scene, but I hate to see people with that kind of personality overruning the progressive and power metal scenes. I don't always agree with all you guys, but I generally _like_ most metal people I meet. I don't want a 90% cool/10% jerk ratio become a 30%/70% ;)
Moshing is something I did when I was 16. Yes, it was fun but when you're 16 you think the world revolves around you, and therefore have little or no consideration for the others around you who are trying to enjoy they show.

Now that I'm older(26) I find moshers to be annoying and full of foolish excuses to justify their behavior. It's one thing to be physically involved with the music, its quite another to be out of control with virtually no regard for others around you.

Yeah. At the GWAR show last week, the crowd there was really into GWAR and everything but imo they were douchebags. They were shoving me and everybody else for like 45 minutes and after awhile its just like come on relax and get some semen on ya! But tahts just me, im 18 and I don't really like moshing, but it's different for everyone.